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4. Juni 2013

Berlin Seminar

Climate policy for investment – options for structural reform of EU ETS


4. Juni 2013


Schumpeter Saal
DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
Mohrenstraße 58
10117 Berlin


Michel Grubb, Cambridge University and special adviser to the Inquiry of the House of Lords Akshay Patki, European Commission, Directorate-General Climate Action Dirk Weinreich, Referatsleiter Rechtsangelegenheiten Klimaschutz, Emissionshandel, BMU Thomas Spencer, Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI Paris)

We would like to invite you to the „Berlin Seminar on Energy and Climate Policy" (BSEC) jointly with Öko Institut, PIK, TU-Berlin and Ecologic.

More of the funds held by institutional investors would be invested in energy projects if there was a clear EU policy about how to deliver secure, affordable and low carbon energy. That was the conclusion of the UK House of Lords EU Sub-Committee ("No Country is an Energy Island: Securing Investment for the EU's Future"). We will discuss the role of EU ETS in providing this clear framework - and what this means for the structural reform proposals of the EU Commission for the ETS.

