Post-Soviet Gas Sector Restructuring in the CIS: a Political Economy Approach

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Christian von Hirschhausen, Hella Engerer

In: Energy Policy 26 (1998), 15, S. 1113-1123


This paper analyses progress and obstacles to gas sector reform in the most important CIS-countries (Russia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan), taking a political economy perspective. This reform process is embedded in a very specific post-Soviet institutional framework stemming from the legacy of socialism. Firstly, we review the evolution of the gas sector for the period 1992-1998. The paper then identifies the post-Soviet specifics of gas sector restructuring, to which any reform strategy and technical assistance have to be adapted. We derive concrete, process-oriented policy conclusions to accelerate the reform process in a market-oriented way. The paper concludes with an evaluation of the perspectives of gas sector restructuring in this geopolitically strategic area of the world.

Hella Engerer

Research Associate in the Energy, Transportation, Environment Department
