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The Effects of Conflict on Fertility in Rwanda

Discussion Papers 1143, 47 S.

Kati Schindler, Tilman Brück


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Pubished in: Demography 56 (2019), 3, 935-968


The aim of this paper is to study the short and long-term fertility effects of mass violent conflict on different population sub-groups. The authors pool three nationally representative demographic and health surveys from before and after the genocide in Rwanda, identifying conflict exposure of the survivors in multiple ways. The analysis finds a robust effect of genocide on fertility, with a strong replacement effect for lost children. Having lost siblings reduces fertility only in the short term. Most interesting is the continued importance of the institution of marriage in determining fertility and in reducing fertility for the large group of widows in Rwanda.

Topics: Gender

JEL-Classification: J13;O12
Keywords: conflict, demography, fertility, gender, genocide, Rwanda
Frei zugängliche Version: (econstor)
