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Internet-Based Hedonic Indices of Rents and Prices for Flats: Example of Berlin

Discussion Papers 1191, 21 S.

Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Andreas Mense


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In this paper, we suggest to estimate the home rents and prices in German regions/cities using the data from Internet ads offering the housing for rent and sale. Given the richness of information contained in the ads, we are able to construct the quality-adjusted rent and price indices using the hedonic approach. The results can be applied both for investigating the dynamics of rents/prices and for examining their distribution by city districts or regions.

Konstantin A. Kholodilin

Research Associate in the Macroeconomics Department

JEL-Classification: C21;O47;R11
Keywords: Internet ads, home rents, home prices, German regions, Berlin, hedonic approach
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