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Approaches to Calculate CWOI for DRG Hospitals in Germany

Diskussionspapiere extern

Erika Schulz

Birmingham [u.a.]: INDICSER, 2012, 38 S.
(INDICSER Discussion Paper ; 28)


In 2010 Germany spent 287 million Euro on health care or 11.6 % of GDP. Thus, health care is an important sector of the economy. The growth in health care expenditure was only a little bit higher than the overall growth between 2000 and 2010, with the exception of the last two years. In 2009 GDP decreased and in 2010 the increase was lower than in health care. As a result the share of total health expenditure (THE) in GDP was relatively constant over time until 2008 (10.3 % to 10.5 %) and increased in 2009 and 2010 (11.3 % and 11.6 %). Health services are also a key driver of employment and training. Between 2000 and 2010 around 0.71 million new jobs (0.36 million FTE) were created. The growing health sector is also a major source and user of innovative technologies (European Commission 2007). It is expected that the health sector will be a driver of GDP growth also in the future (Ageing report 2012). Most of the health services were provided by the public sector and this drives the question `what is the outcome or output of this spending'.
