Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 4 / 1994, S. 404-427
Michael Kohlhaas, Ulrich Voigt
get_appAufsatz Download (Verlag)
The study examines the economic impact of a significant increase of the energy price for passenger transport. In a first step a quantitative scenario for the development of the costs of different public transport modes as well as car usage costs is outlined taken into account some adjustment- reactions. The effects of the energy price increase on private households are determined whithin the framework of an expenditure account. The central quantitative assumption of the study is an increase of the tax for gasoline of 4 DM/I (current prices, without VAT) up to the year 2005. The households succeed in reducing their raised expenditure through several adjustment reactions (buying smaller and more energy efficient cars, shifting transport mode, reducing traffic). The results show that the assumed energy price for passenger transport does not cause severe frictions in the development of private consumption if the increase is implemented in smaller steps and the adjustment process is left enough time (about ten years)
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