Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Caroline Stiel, Astrid Cullmann, Maria Nieswand
In: German Economic Review 19 (2018), 4, S. 401-425
Against the background of remunicipalisation trends in European public service sectors, this paper estimates firm-level productivity for German electricity retailers and tests whether the ownership type has a significant impact on productivity. We specify a production function for the retail sector with labour and external services as main inputs, which is estimated using a control function approach. Employing a newly constructed dataset on German utilities by the German Federal Statistical Office for the years 2003-12, we find that firm-level productivity generally increased until 2008 but not afterwards. We do not find any evidence for ownership having an impact on productivity.
Topics: Energy economics
JEL-Classification: D24;L11;C23;L94
Keywords: Productivity, retail electricity, ownership, structural production function
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