Integrating Research Infrastructure for European expertise on Inclusive Growth from data to policy (InGRID-2)

Abgeschlossenes Projekt


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven/Belgium, coordinator)


1. Mai 2017 - 30. April 2021


Horizon 2020


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven/Belgium, coordinator)
TARKI (Tarsadalomkutatasi Intezet Zrt/Hungary)
Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA/The Netherlands)
Stockholms Universitet (Sweden)
Universität Trier (Germany)
Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics (CED/Spain)
LISER - Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (Luxembourg)
Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium)
University of Essex (United Kingdom)
Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM/France)
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS/Belgium)
Università di Pisa (UNIPI/Italy)
University of Southampton (United Kingdom)
LIS Cross-National Data Center (Luxembourg)
The University of Manchester (United Kingdom)
Stredoeurópsky inštitút pre výskum práce (Central European Labour Studies Institute CELSI/Slovakia)
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (Greece)
Centralny Instytut Ochrony Pracy - Państwowy Instytut Badawcz (Central Institute for Labour Protection-National Research Institute CIOP-PIB/Poland)

Referring to the increasingly challenging EU2020-ambitions of Inclusive Growth, the objectives of the InGRID-2 project are to advance the integration and innovation of distributed social sciences research infrastructures (RI) on ‘poverty, living conditions and social policies’ as well as ‘working conditions, vulnerability and labour policies’.

InGRID-2 will extend transnational on-site and virtual access, organize mutual learning and discussions of innovations, and improve data services and facilities of comparative research.

DIW Team


The focus areas are a) integrated and harmonized data, (b) links between policy and practice, and (c) indicator-building tools. Lead users are social scientist involved in comparative research to provide new evidence for European policy innovations. Key science actors and their stakeholders are coupled in the consortium to provide expert services to users of comparative research infrastructures by investing in collaborative efforts to better integrate micro-data, identify new ways of collecting data, establish and improve harmonized classification tools, extend available policy databases, optimize statistical quality, and set-up microsimulation environments and indicator-building tools as important means of valorization. Helping scientists to enhance their expertise from data to policy is the advanced mission of InGRID-2.

A research portal will be the gateway to this IRI. Networking activities will provide initiation (summer schools), in-depth discussions (expert workshops), and help to promote necessary innovations for sustainable inclusive growth. Extending the RI to all EU countries is an important mission on the agenda for InGRID-2. Based on surveyed users’ needs, joint research activities are conducted in the focus areas and concentrate on extending data integrations, exploring new data linkage and sources, innovating microsimulation tools, improving comparative policy data, and investigating new high-quality indicators.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730998.


Elena Ambrosetti is Associate Professor of Demography at the Faculty of Economics and affiliated to the Department of Methods and Models for Economics, Territory and Finance -Sapienza University of Rome. Before joining La Sapienza at the end of 2008, she has worked at the University of Aix-Marseille (France) as a Post-doctoral teaching fellow and at INED (Paris) as a Post-doctoral research fellow with FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation) training funds. She teaches “Population and Development” and “Digital Demography” for the Master’s Degree in Cooperation and Development and Master Degree in Economics. She is member of the Directory Board of the Master “Migration and Development”. She is Associated Editor of “Genus, Journal of Population Science” and of “Sociology of Race and Ethnicity”. Her main research interests are international migration in Europe, with special attention to migrants’ integration, migration policies, sexual and reproductive health of migrant populations; population dynamics in the Mediterranean countries, more specifically her research focuses on fertility transition in Egypt; population ageing and its consequences for the welfare societies. During her visit at SOEP-DIW she studied the subjective well-being of refugees using SOEP datasets. Her visit at DIW-Berlin was motivated to improve her knowledge of SOEP data and to work on a research topic that it is innovative and promising in the research field of social sciences nowadays, i.e. the study of the subjective well-being of refugees.

Ravi Tripathi is a PhD candidate at University Sorbonne Paris Nord in France. He was a guest at the SOEP as part of InGRID-2 visiting grant in January. His dissertation entitled "Labour Market during the crisis: Questioning the 'German Model’” deals with the implications of the employment transformation and welfare reorganisation in Germany on its labour market institutions over the past two decades by focussing on the expansion of the low-wage sector and precarious employment. During his research stay, he was introduced to the SOEP dataset and used it to analyse the subject of wage inequality and low-wage employment contracts. The visit also allowed him to discuss research findings with the senior researchers at the institute and gain from their valuable feedback.


Taghi Ghadiri is a 4th-year PhD student at CERGE-EI in Prague. CERGE-EI is a joint workplace of Charles University and the Economic Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Currently, he is working on his dissertation with the title "The Integration Process of Immigrants into German Labor Market: The Role of Arrival Time, Culture and Type of Migration". He stated that it is a unique opportunity for him as a visiting researcher at DIW to work on high-quality longitudinal data of SOEP. Being a longitudinal data set is an important feature of SOEP data and it enables to track immigrants integration pattern since the arrival and it provides a facility to estimate the speed of integration path for different migrant cohorts. Besides, staying at DIW as a visiting researcher gives him a great opportunity to communicate with the experts in his field of research, to participate in the events and seminars related to his research interests which all of them would be an exceptional opportunity for his future research path.

Vera Messing is a senior research fellow at the Center for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and research fellow at the Center for Policy Studies, Central European University. Her work focuses on comparative understanding of different forms and intersections of social inequalities and ethnicity and their consequences. She is also the principal researcher for the European Social Survey in Hungary. She is a guest at the SOEP as part of visiting grant InGRID-2 in March 2019. Her present research project deals transnational migration and its effect on families and children. The key questions of the research involve how migration – including circular and return migration – influences families and children involved; in addition to socio-economic status how do values, attitudes change in the process of migration. The research is a multi-method, multi-level research including the analysis of available statistical and survey data on the subject matter, and qualitative study of return migrant children and families. At SOEP she analyzes the subsample of migrants (M1 and M2) from CEE countries to study comparatively the living circumstance, experiences as well as values and attitudes of migrants arriving from the new EU member-states.

Marta Palczyńska is an economist at the Institute for Structural Research and a PhD candidate at the Warsaw School of Economics. In her research she analyses the role of cognitive and non-cognitive skills in the labour market. In particular, using the Polish follow-up study to PIAAC (postPIAAC), she looks at the complementarity of cognitive and non-cognitive skills and the differences in the returns to skills between men and women. During her research stay, she started to work with SOEP and PIAAC-L data which allow for a comparative analysis of Germany and Poland.

Alexander Labeit is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Health Economics at the University of Manchester and was a guest at the SOEP as part of InGRID-2 for the second and third week of January. Monetary valuation of health states associated with specific disease conditions can be conducted on the basis of stated preference models, such as the willingness-to-pay, conjoint analysis or compensating income variation. This project estimates the compensating income variation for certain health states based on simple empirical models for chronic diseases and uses the SOEP and BHPS. The BHPS contains prevalence based information for some diseases for all waves and the SOEP from 2009 onward for chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, cardiopathy, depression and hypertension. Subjective well-being, which is an argument in the welfare function, can be measured by general satisfaction and different domains of satisfaction. I will use both datasets for determining the compensating variation for certain chronic diseases using general satisfaction and different domains of satisfaction, information about disease existence and income. During his research stay, he has started to prepare the SOEP and BHPS data for the calculation of the monetary valuation of chronic health states.


Yaël Brinbaum is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the CNAM (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers) in Paris, Senior Researcher at the LISE (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire pour la Sociologie Economique – UMR CNRS) and affiliated at the Centre d’Etudes de l’emploi et du Travail (CEET). She conducts research on educational inequalities, transitions from school to work and labour market outcomes of ethnic minorities in a comparative perspective. Her current research focuses on the access to work, job quality and employment trajectories of the Second Generation youth - i.e. the descendants of immigrants-, by gender and country of origin, in France and in comparison with Western European countries and the United States. Her research interests include the job search, role of networks and discrimination at school and on the labour market. The purpose of her visit is to work on these issues with the SOEP data in comparative perspective.

Rosario Scandurra is a PostDoc fellow at the Department of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and was a guest at the SOEP as part of InGRID-2 from mid February until the first week of March. His research paper deals with adult skills formation over the life course. The main argument is that adult skills are seen as relatively stable over time while different life-course events such as being unemployed or attending LLL programs might be relevant in explaining skills differences. The study use SOEP and PIAAC-L data for short and long run differences in adult skills and big five measures. During his research stay, he starts using SOEP data and analyzed changes in PIAAC-L adult skills.

Venera Tomaselli is a Professor of Social Statistics at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at University of Catania. She was a guest at the SOEP as part of visiting grant InGRID-2 in March. Her research project deals with migration integration indicators. During her research stay, she has started using SOEP data to build composite integration indicators on the basis of migration personal and household data. The SOEP datasets are useful to her research in order to specify variables and items about migrants´ integration in the labour market and in the social, cultural and political life. The aim is to compare regional European data to German data in migration integration measurement.

Tomás Cano is a PhD candidate at Pompeu Fabra University and research fellow at The University of Queensland. He was a guest at the SOEP in the context of InGRID-2 in March. His research is located at the intersection of sociology, demography and developmental psychology. Specifically, his dissertation focuses on the role of fathers in the intergenerational transmission of skills, using time use data from Spain and Australia. During his stay at DIW he started a new project using SOEP data to analyse under what conditions fathers’ involvement in childcare mitigates the negative consequences of experience a parental union dissolution on children’s educational outcomes in Germany.

David Weisstanner is a PhD candidate at the Department of Political Science at the University of Bern and was a guest at the SOEP as part of InGRID-2 in January. His dissertation deals with the effects of flexibilization policies in the labor market on the income shares of the middle class. The main argument is that the secured position of middle wage earners will be undermined by the possible expansion of atypical employment. The study covers 22 OECD countries in the period between 1985 and 2014. During his research stay, he analyzed the effects of the liberalization of fixed-term employment and agency work in the mid-1990s and early 2000s using SOEP data. The analyses show that flexibilization was accompanied by a worsening of the wage situation of middle-income groups.

