Production of basic materials like steel, cement or aluminium is responsible for the majority of industrial GHG emissions. Yet so far national policies provide very limited support for climate friendly material production and efficient use of materials. In principle, Emission Trading Systems were implemented to provide the desired incentives. In practice, carbon leakage concerns trigger free allocation of emission allowances muting the carbon price incentives for most mitigation options. This event will explore how additional policies like consumption charges on material and innovation support can make climate policy effective for the material sector.
Discussion will focus on how such approaches would benefit from international cooperation – and how they can contribute to global emission reductions.
16.45 – 16.50 Welcome
Andrzej Blachowicz, Climate Strategies
16.50 – 17.20 Presentations
Karsten Neuhoff, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) (PDF, 341.06 KB)
Andrew Marquard, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Florens Flues, OECD (PDF, 192.11 KB)
17.20 – 17.40 Comments
Aki Kachi, Carbon Market Watch
Rob van der Meer, HeidelbergCement
Fu Sha, China National Center for Climate Change
17.40 – 18:15 Discussion
Themen: Klimapolitik , Umweltmärkte