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Veranstaltungen der Abteilung Makroökonomie

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379 Ergebnisse, ab 321
  • 6. Oktober 2014


    Europe in the Global Economy - How to Stimulate Private Investment

    Ort: ESMT Berlin
    European School of Management and Technology
    Schloßplatz 1
    10178 Berlin
    Zeit: 12:00 p.m. - 01:30 p.m.

    Panel Discussion with Erik Nielsen, Global Chief Economist of UniCreditProf. Marcel Fratzscher, Ph.D., President and CEO of DIW Berlin and Professor of Macroeconomics and Finance at Humboldt-University BerlinProf. Mark Hallerberg, Ph.D., Professor for Public Management & Political Economy at Hertie School of GovernanceProf. Jörg Rocholl, Ph.D., President of European School of Management ...

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  • 1. - 2. Oktober 2014


    Achieving Sustainable Financial Stability

    Ort: ESMT Berlin
    European School of Management and Technology
    Schloßplatz 1
    10178 Berlin

    Conference organised by the Deutsche Bundesbank, the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) and  the Center for Financial Studies (CfS)While still struggling with the financial and sovereign debt crisis, the financial markets, the real economy and governments seem to be experiencing slightly less tension. The discussion can ...

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  • 25. Juni 2014


    Inside the Euro Crisis

    Ort: Schumpeter Hall
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 03:00 p.m. - 04:00 p.m.

    with Simeon Djankov, Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE)Moderation: Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, Ph.D., President and CEO of DIW Berlin and Professor of Macroeconomics and Finance at Humboldt-University BerlinThe problems inherent in the Eurozone formation were foreseen by many economic experts over the years. But when the Eurozone sovereign debt and banking crisis engulfed the ...

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  • 23. Juni 2014


    The Euro Crisis and Its Aftermath
    Panel discussion with ESMT, Hertie School of Governance and DIW Berlin

    Ort: Hertie School of Governance
    Friedrichstr. 180
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12:00 - 13:30 p.m.

    Panelists: Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, PhD, President and CEO of DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research), Professor of Macroeconomics and Finance (Humboldt-University Berlin)Prof. Jean Pisani-Ferry, Professor of Economics and Public Management, Hertie school of Governance, Commissioner-General for Policy Planning, reporting to the French Prime MinisterProf. Jörg Rocholl, PhD, ...

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  • 10. Mai 2014

    Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

    Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2014

    Ort: DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 17:00 - 24:00

    Zum vierten Mal wird das DIW Berlin an der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften teilnehmen. Auch diesmal werden unsere Referenten mit spannenden Vorträgen zahlreiche Besucher anlocken. Nähere Informationen

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  • 4. Februar 2014


    Jobs and Growth: Supporting the European Recovery

    Ort: Schumpeter Hall
    Mohrenstr. 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12.00 p.m. to 1.15 p.m.

    DIW Berlin and IMF cordially invite you to the Presentation on the forthcoming IMF book on "Jobs and Growth: Supporting the European Recovery" PresentersJesmin Rahman is Deputy Head of the Emerging Europe Unit in the IMF's European Department. Martin Schindler is Senior Economist in the IMF's European Department.Antonio Spilimbergo is Head of the Northeastern Unit in the IMF's European ...

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  • 20. November 2013


    Fiscal Devaluation in a Monetary Union

    Speaker: Philipp Engler, Freie Universität Berlin
    Ort: Arthur-Cecil-Pigou-Raum
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Room 3.3.002C
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12:00-13:30 Uhr

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  • 13. November 2013


    Business Tendency Surveys and Macroeconomic Fluctuations

    Speaker: Rolf Scheufele, Schweizerische Nationalbank
    Ort: Gustav-Schmoller-Raum
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Room 3.3.002A
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12:00-13:30 Uhr

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  • 12. November 2013


    IMF World Economic Outlook, October 2013
    Transitions and Tensions

    Ort: DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12.00 - 1.00 p.m.

    Presentation: Jörg Decressin, Senior Advisor of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)Chair: Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, Ph.D., President of DIW BerlinThe World Economic Outlook (WEO) discusses the growth and inflation prospects for the advanced economies, the consequences for their monetary policies, and the repercussions for capital flows to and activity in the emerging economies. It analyzes ...

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  • 6. November 2013


    Globalization and Productivity in the Developing World

    Speaker: Reto Föllmi, Universität St. Gallen
    Ort: Gustav-Schmoller-Raum
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Room 3.3.002A
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12:00-13:30 Uhr

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  • 30. Oktober 2013


    Funding Risk and the Increase in Collateralized Lending

    Speaker: Tijmen R. Daniёls, De Nederlandsche Bank
    Ort: Gustav-Schmoller-Raum
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Room 3.3.002A
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12:00-13:30 Uhr

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  • 16. Oktober 2013


    The effects of global shocks on small commodity-exporting economies: Lessons from Canada

    Speaker: Juan J. Dolado, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
    Ort: Gustav-Schmoller-Raum
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Room 3.3.002A
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12:00-13:30 Uhr

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  • 9. Oktober 2013


    Generalized Model Uncertainty and Production-Based Asset Pricing

    Speaker: Alexander Meyer-Gohde, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
    Ort: Arthur-Cecil-Pigou-Raum
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Room 3.3.002C
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12:00-13:30 Uhr

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  • 2. Oktober 2013


    The safety of government bonds

    Speaker: Kartik Anand, Bank of Canada
    Ort: Eleanor-Dulles-Raum
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Room 5.2.010
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 13:30-15:00 Uhr

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  • 30. September 2013


    Dealing with Debt in an Era of Low Growth

    Ort: Schumpeter Saal
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12.00 - 1.00 p.m.

    Presentation: Prof. Dr. Helge Berger, Advisor, International Monetary Fund (IMF)Chair: Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, Ph.D., President, DIW BerlinMuch of Europe is gradually emerging from recession, but many observers see growth at very moderate levels in the years ahead. This will make dealing with high sovereign debt - not an easy task even in the best of times - more difficult, and could shift much ...

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  • 25. September 2013


    Understanding Markups in the Open Economy

    Speaker: Katheryn Russ, University of California, Davis
    Ort: Gustav-Schmoller-Raum
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Room 3.3.002A
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12:00-13:30 Uhr

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  • 3. Juli 2013


    Measuring the dynamic effects of monetary policy shocks: a bayesian FAVAR approach with sign restriction

    Speaker: Harald Uhlig, University of Chicago
    Ort: Gustav-Schmoller-Raum
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Room 3.3.002A
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12:00-13:30 Uhr

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  • 11. Juni 2013


    The European Debt Crisis and the Banking Union Proposal
    The European Debt Crisis and the Banking Union Proposal

    Ort: Schumpeter Saal
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr

    Presentation: Claudia Buch, University of Tübingen, Member of the German Councel of Economic Advisors Introduction by Marcel Fratzscher, President of DIW Berlin Chair: Christopher F. Baum, Professor in Economics of Boston College and DIW Research Professor

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  • 6. - 7. Juni 2013

    Graduate Center Masterclasses

    Open Economy Macroeconomics

    Speaker: John H. Rogers, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
    Ort: Eleanor-Dulles-Raum
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Room 5.2.010
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 14:00 - 18:00 (06.06.)
    09:00 - 12:30 (07.06.)

    Masterclasses are a series of one- or two day courses on various topics in Economics, organized by the DIW Graduate Center. The target audience consists of graduate students in Economics at Berlin universities and research institutes. The GC Masterclasses are held on an irregular basis at DIW Berlin (about once a month) and are open to all affiliates of DIW Berlin, those of the BDPEMS program, and ...

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  • 5. Juni 2013


    The end of capital scarcity: macro-economic consequences

    Speaker: Christian von Weizsäcker, MPI for Research on Collective Goods
    Ort: Arthur-Cecil-Pigou-Raum
    DIW Berlin im Quartier 110
    Room 3.3.002C
    Mohrenstraße 58
    10117 Berlin
    Zeit: 12:00-13:30 Uhr

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379 Ergebnisse, ab 321