Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
This paper investigates how the number of brackets and the choice of upper cutoffs in grouped data affect the metric approximation of income and wealth. The literature currently lacks a definition of what should be considered too few brackets or too-low cut-offs. Using German survey data, we show that more than six (eight) brackets and an upper cut-off at the 95th (97th) percentile are sufficient to ...
Survey Research Methods
18 (2024), 3, S. 251-261
| Maximilian Longmuir, Markus M. Grabka
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Evidence on how proximity to ethnic outgroups shapes attitudes toward immigration remains inconclusive. We suggest this may be driven, in part, by the fact that studies rarely account for the role of residential segregation. We argue that how the minority-share in an environment affects majority-group attitudes will depend on how segregated groups are from one another. To explore this, we undertake ...
European Sociological Review
(2025), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-11-29]
| James Laurence, Jan Goebel
Externe Monographien
This paper introduces the Open Data Format (ODF), a new, non-proprietary, multilingual, metadata enriched, and zip-compressed data format that meets the FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. The data format is specified as a CSV file with the raw data and an XML file containing the metadata both compressed into a zip file with the .zip extension. Data files can ...
24 S.
(Working Paper / KonsortSWD ; 10)
| Xiaoyao Han, Tom Hartl, Knut Wenzig
DIW Weekly Report 49 / 2024
Remittances sent by refugees to their home countries has been a hotly debated policy topic in Germany over the past years and has led to the introduction of a payment card for asylum applicants. This Weekly Report investigates how the share of people living in Germany who send remittances abroad has changed over time according to their migration background (with or without a refugee background) and ...
2024| Adriana Cardozo Silva, Sabine Zinn
DIW Wochenbericht 49 / 2024
Über Geldüberweisungen von Geflüchteten in ihre Heimat wurde in den vergangenen Jahren in Deutschland politisch scharf debattiert, was zur Einführung einer Bezahlkarte für Asylbewerber*innen führte. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, wie sich der Anteil der in Deutschland lebenden Personen, die Geld ins Ausland überweisen, im Laufe der Zeit je nach Migrationshintergrund – mit oder ohne Fluchthintergrund ...
2024| Adriana Cardozo Silva, Sabine Zinn
Externe Monographien
Im Rahmen des RDCnet stellt jedes teilnehmende Forschungsdatenzentrum (FDZ) einen Gastwissenschaftsarbeitsplatz (GWAP) zur Verfügung, über den Nutzende auf die Forschungsdaten anderer teilnehmender FDZ zugreifen können. Um die im multilateralen Kooperationsvertrag definierten technischen und organisatorischen Maßnahmen für den GWAP umzusetzen, empfiehlt es sich, restriktiv konfigurierte Thin Clients ...
43 S.
(Working Paper / KonsortSWD ; 6)
| Jan Goebel, Neil Murray, Kenny Pedrique, Ingo Sieber
Externe Monographien
Forschende der Sozial-, Bildungs-, Verhaltens- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften arbeiten mit verschiedenen Datentypen, die häufig aufgrund rechtlicher oder ethischer Beschränkungen besonders sensibel sind und oftmals nicht originär für wissenschaftliche Zwecke erhoben wurden. Die Projekte des KonsortSWD1 haben zum Ziel, Forschenden und Institutionen, die zunehmend in multi- und interdisziplinären Projekten ...
24 S.
(Working Paper / KonsortSWD ; 1)
| Neil Murray, Jan Goebel
Externe Monographien
Amidst the challenges of declining response rates and escalating costs in survey research, the adoption of innovative new data collection designs such as planned missingness and split questionnaire designs is becoming increasingly prevalent. This dissertation addresses the imputation of social survey data from split questionnaire designs and the methodological decisions associated with implementing ...
Universität Mannheim,
XV, 227 S.
| Julian B. Axenfeld
Externe Monographien
The German Social Cohesion Panel (SCP) is a probability-based self-administered longitudinal study in a mixed-mode design (PAPI and CAWI) that is jointly carried out by the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC) and the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). The aim of the study is to capture the diversity of social cohesion in Germany from multiple perspectives, particularly regarding the extent to ...
22 S.
(OSF Preprints)
| Jean-Yves Gerlitz, Julian B. Axenfeld, Carina Cornesse, Olaf Groh-Samberg, Martin Kroh, Holger Lengfeld, Stefan Liebig, Lara Minkus, Jost Reinecke, David Richtev, Nils Teichler, Richard Traunmüller, Sabine Zinn
SOEP Brown Bag Seminar
Item nonresponse is a common issue in surveys. We implement an experiment to reduce nonresponse to income questions in an international household survey, looking at four different countries. Survey respondents are asked to report their exact household income. We randomize those who refuse to answer into two groups. In a follow-up question, the control group is asked to choose their income from a...
05.02.2025| Melanie Koch, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
SOEP Brown Bag Seminar
Item nonresponse is a common issue in surveys. We implement an experiment to reduce nonresponse to income questions in an international household survey, looking at four different countries. Survey respondents are asked to report their exact household income. We randomize those who refuse to answer into two groups. In a follow-up question, the control group is asked to choose their income from a...
05.02.2025| Melanie Koch, Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
ObjectivesChange in body weight during the COVID-19 pandemic as an unintended side effect of lockdown measures has been predominantly reported for younger and middle-aged adults. However, information on older adults for which weight loss is known to result in adverse outcomes, is scarce. In this study we describe the body weight change in older adults before, during, and after the COVID-19 lockdown ...
The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging
28 (2024), 100206, 9 S.
| Valentin Max Vetter, Johanna Drewelies, Sandra Düzel, Jan Homann, Lil Meyer-Arndt, Julian Braun, Anne Pohrt, Friederike Kendel, Gert G. Wagner, Andreas Thiel, Lars Bertram, Vera Regitz-Zagrosek, Denis Gerstorf, Ilja Demuth
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Designs using planned missingness, such as the split questionnaire design, are becoming more and more important in social survey research. To ensure an acceptable questionnaire length, these approaches typically entail large amounts of planned missing data, which can be imputed after data collection. However, social surveys typically also include other types of missingness such as item nonresponse ...
Survey Research Methods
18 (2024), 2, S. 137-151
| Julian B. Axenfeld, Christian Bruch, Christof Wolf, Annelies G. Blom
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
In times of crises, democracies face the challenge of balancing effective interventions with civil liberties. This study examines German states’ responses during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the trade-off between civil liberties and public health. Using state-level variation in mobility restrictions, we employ a difference-in-differences design to show that stay-at-home orders ...
European Journal of Political Economy
85 (2024), 102593
| Daniel Graeber, Lorenz Meister, Panu Poutvaara
SOEPpapers 1209 / 2024
Since the new millennium, research in the field of personality development has focused on the stability and change of basic personality traits. Motivational aspects of personality and their longitudinal association with basic traits have received comparably little attention. In this preregistered study, we applied bivariate latent growth curve modeling to investigate the codevelopment of nine life ...
2024| Laura Buchinger, Theresa Entringer, David Richter, Gert G. Wagner, Denis Gerstorf, Wiebke Bleidorn
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Fast online surveys without sampling frames are becoming increasingly important in survey research. Their recruitment methods result in non-probability samples. As the mechanism of data generation is always unknown in such samples, the problem of non-ignorability arises making vgeneralisation of calculated statistics to the population of interest highly questionable. Sensitivity analyses provide a ...
International Statistical Review
(2025), im Ersch. [Online first: 2024-08-07]
| Angelina Hammon, Sabine Zinn
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
In this case study, we examine a novel aspect of data collected in a typical probability and a typical nonprobability panel: mobile app data. The data were collected in Great Britain in 2018, using the Innovation Panel of the UK Household Longitudinal Study and the Lightspeed online access panel. Respondents in each panel were invited to participate in a month-long study, reporting all their daily ...
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
12 (2024), 5, S. 1224–1253
| Annette Jäckle, Carina Cornesse, Alexander Wenz, Mick P. Couper
SOEP Annual Report / 2024
2024| The SOEP Team
DECIPHE is the first project to comprehensively study whether and how profound demographic changes in Europe impact the intergenerational persistence of homeownership, considering variations across countries, regions, and birth cohorts.
It adopts a life course framework on housing tenure, in which individuals’ homeownership is shaped by their household members’ preferences and resources and...
Aktuelles Projekt| Sozio-oekonomisches Panel
DECIPHE ist das erste Projekt, das umfassend untersucht, ob und wie tiefgreifend sich demografische Veränderungen in Europa auf die intergenerationale Persistenz von Wohneigentum auswirken. Dabei werden Unterschiede zwischen Ländern, Regionen und Geburtskohorten berücksichtigt.
Das Projekt nimmt eine Lebensverlaufsperspektive auf Wohneigentum ein, bei der die Präferenzen und Ressourcen der...
Aktuelles Projekt| Sozio-oekonomisches Panel