Forschung SOEP: Survey-Methodologie und Data Science

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1016 Ergebnisse, ab 21
  • Forschungsprojekt

    DECIPHE – Demographic Change and the Intergenerational Persistence in Homeownership in Europe

    DECIPHE ist das erste Projekt, das umfassend untersucht, ob und wie tiefgreifend sich demografische Veränderungen in Europa auf die intergenerationale Persistenz von Wohneigentum auswirken. Dabei werden Unterschiede zwischen Ländern, Regionen und Geburtskohorten berücksichtigt. Das Projekt nimmt  eine Lebensverlaufsperspektive auf Wohneigentum ein, bei der die Präferenzen und Ressourcen der...

    Aktuelles Projekt| Sozio-oekonomisches Panel
  • Externe Monographien

    Study on the Effectiveness of COVID-Aid on Firms

    The study investigates the impact of COVID-related State aid measures (COVID-aid) on firms’ performance in selected EU countries, distinguishing among different categories of (pre-crisis) firm size, economic sector, and type of financial instrument received. The current analysis covers three countries with available National State Aid Registries, namely Italy, Poland, and Spain, which enable precise ...

    Seville: European Commission, 2024, 71 S. | Giulia Canzian, Elena Crivellaro, Tomaso Duso, Antonella Ferrara, Alessandro Sasso, Stefano Verzillo
  • Externe Monographien

    Cookbooks, Guidance, and Best Practice: Working Group Charter (NFDI Section-metadata) ; (Meta)data, Terminologies, Provenance

    Forschende brauchen auf ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse zugeschnittene Hilfestellungen bei der Ermittlung und Anwendung von Standards und Werkzeugen für (Meta)Daten, Terminologien und Provenienz. Jedes NFDI-Konsortium identifiziert, sammelt und entwickelt Ansätze, die für Forschungsaktivitäten außerhalb der einzelnen Domänen relevant sein könnten. Die Arbeitsgruppe "Cookbooks, Guidance, and Best Practices" ...

    NFDI, 2022, 7 S. | Susanne Arndt, Felix Burger, Britta Dreyer, Sara Espinoza, Barbara Fischer, Marc Fuhrmans, Christin Henzen, Volker Hofman, Doris Jaeger, David Linke, Matthias Löbe, Brigitte Mathiak, Thomas Rose, Claudia Saalbach, Aliaksandra Shutsko, Emanuel Soeding, Regine Stein, Dzulia Terzijska
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Individual Differences in Short-term Social Dynamics: Theoretical Perspective and Empirical Development of the Social Dynamics Scale

    People have a need to form and maintain fulfilling social contact, yet they differ with respect to with whom they satisfy the need and how quickly this need is deprived or overly satiated. These social dynamics across relationships and across time are theoretically delineated in the current article. Furthermore, we developed a questionnaire to measure individual differences in three aspects of such ...

    In: Current Psychology 43 (2024), S. 20899–20919 | Cornelia Wrzus, Yannick Roos, Michael D. Krämer, David Richter
  • Forschungsprojekt

    Video-interviewing as part of a targeted multi-mode design in household panel surveys (CALVI)

    To ensure continued survey participation and data quality, the survey landscape must adapt to the changing social reality, especially with regard to mobility and digitalization. This requires survey researchers to move from one-size-fits-all solutions to a data collection strategy that takes into account people's communication habits, abilities and preferences. For several decades, computer...

    Aktuelles Projekt| Sozio-oekonomisches Panel
  • Forschungsprojekt

    Video-interviewing as part of a targeted multi-mode design in household panel surveys (CALVI)

    Um die kontinuierliche Teilnahme an und Datenqualität von Umfragen sicherzustellen, muss sich die Umfragelandschaft an die sich verändernde gesellschaftliche Realität anpassen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf Mobilität und Digitalisierung. Dies erfordert, dass Umfrageforschende von Einheitslösungen zu einer Datenerhebungsstrategie übergehen, die die Kommunikationsgewohnheiten, Fähigkeiten und...

    Aktuelles Projekt| Sozio-oekonomisches Panel
  • Forschungsprojekt

    Surveying Panel Participants’ Network Members: Integration of Egocentric Data Collection and Respondent-Driven Sampling

    Individuals are embedded in social contexts: although many large-scale, cross-thematic social science surveys already attempt to do justice to this fact, so far research has only been partially successful. The aim of this study is to supplement and improve the existing data collection strategies - survey designs for multiple actors (MA) and questionnaire modules for egocentric networks (ECN) -...

    Aktuelles Projekt| Sozio-oekonomisches Panel
  • Forschungsprojekt

    Surveying Panel Participants’ Network Members: Integration of Egocentric Data Collection and Respondent-Driven Sampling

    Individuen sind in soziale Kontexte eingebettet, diesem Umstand versuchen bereits viele großangelegte, themenübergreifende sozialwissenschaftliche Befragungen gerecht zu werden – dies gelingt aber bislang nur bedingt. Das Vorhaben dieser Studie besteht darin, die bestehenden Datenerfassungsstrategien – Umfragedesigns für multiple Akteure (MA) und Fragebogenmodule für egozentrierte Netzwerke (ECN)...

    Aktuelles Projekt| Sozio-oekonomisches Panel
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Bridging Distance: Transnational and Local Family Ties in Refugees’ Social Support Networks

    This study examines the familial ties in the social support network of refugees in Germany. It investigates whether distance to family plays a role in the provision of emotional and informational support and how this relationship is moderated by social network services (SNS). Using data from the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees (N = 5237), the paper provides evidence for a family-centred network. Increasing ...

    In: Journal of Refugee Studies 37 (2024), 3, S. 645–666 | Ellen Heidinger
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Response Quality in Nonprobability and Probability-based Online Panels

    Recent years have seen a growing number of studies investigating the accuracy of nonprobability online panels; however, response quality in nonprobability online panels has not yet received much attention. To fill this gap, we investigate response quality in a comprehensive study of seven nonprobability online panels and three probability-based online panels with identical fieldwork periods and questionnaires ...

    In: Sociological Methods & Research 52 (2023), 2, . 879–908 | Carina Cornesse, Annelies G. Blom
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Experimental Evidence on Panel Conditioning Effects when Increasing the Surveying Frequency in a Probability-Based Online Panel

    We investigate panel conditioning effects in a long-running probability-based online panel of the general population through a large-scale experiment conducted in 2020. Our experiment was specifically designed to study the effect of intensifying the surveying frequency for the treatment group (N = 5,598 panel members) during a 16-week corona study while keeping the control group (N = 799 panel members) ...

    In: Survey Research Methods 17 (2023), 3, S. 323-339 | Carina Cornesse, Annelies Blom, Marie-Lou Sohnius, Marisabel Gonzalez Ocanto, Tobias Rettig, Marina Ungefucht
  • Weitere referierte Aufsätze

    Measurement Instruments for Fast and Frequent Data Collection during the Early Phase of COVID-19 in Germany: Reflections on the Mannheim Corona Study

    The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a vast increase in the demand for fast, frequent, and multi-faceted data to study the impact of the pandemic on people’s lives. Existing data collection infrastructures had to be adapted quickly during the early phase of the pandemic to meet this data demand. Our research group contributed to this by conducting the Mannheim Corona Study (MCS), a longitudinal ...

    In: Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences 4 (2022), Art. 2, 7 S. | Carina Cornesse, Marisabel Gonzalez Ocanto, Marina Fikel, Sabine Friedel, Ulrich Krieger, Tobias Rettig, Annelies G. Blom
  • Externe Monographien

    A Pilot Study for "Linked Open Research Data" (LORDpilot): A LOD-based Concept Registry for Social Science Research Data: Joint Final Report to the Project (Public Part)

    Die Nachnutzung von Forschungsdaten ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Forschungspraxis in den Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Um geeignete Daten zu finden, brauchen Forschende funktionierende Suchangebote. Eine übergreifende Suche nach Daten wird jedoch durch eine uneinheitliche oder fehlende semantische Erschließung erschwert, weil verschiedene Erhebungsprogramme jeweils eigene Terminologien ...

    2023, 11 S. | Andreas Daniel, Jan Goebel, Dagmar Kern, Daniel Klein, Antonia May, Fakhri Momeni, Jana Nebelin, Claudia Saalbach, Pascal Siegers, Knut Wenzig, Benjamin Zapilko
  • Weitere referierte Aufsätze

    Establishing a Probability Sample in a Crisis Context: The Example of Ukrainian Refugees in Germany in 2022

    Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in early 2022, more than one million refugees have arrived in Germany. These Ukrainian refugees differ in many aspects from Germany’s past forced migration experiences and there exists an urgent need for sound data and information for politics, practitioners, and academics. In response, the IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP study was established to provide high-quality ...

    In: AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv 18 (2024), 1, S. 77–97 | Hans Walter Steinhauer, Jean Philippe Décieux, Manuel Siegert, Andreas Ette, Sabine Zinn
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Equipping the Offline Population with Internet Access in an Online Panel: Does It Make a Difference?

    Online panel surveys are often criticized for their inability to cover the offline population, potentially resulting in coverage error. Previous research has demonstrated that non-internet users in fact differ from online individuals on several sociodemographic characteristics. In attempts to reduce coverage error due to missing the offline population, several probability-based online panels equip ...

    In: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 12 (2024), 1, S. 80-93 | Ruben Bach, Carina Cornesse, Jessica Daikeler
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Context, Health and Migration: A Systematic Review of Natural Experiments

    Summary : Background Migration health research pays little attention to the places into which people migrate. Studies on health effects of contextual factors are often limited because of the ability of individuals to self-select their environment, but natural experiments may allow for the causal effect of contexts to be examined. The objective was to synthesise the evidence on contextual health effects ...

    In: EClinicalMedicine 64 (2023), 102206, 26 S. | Louise Biddle, Maren Hintermeier, Diogo Costa, Zahia Wasko, Kayvan Bozorgmehr
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Effect of Area-Level Socioeconomic Deprivation on Mental and Physical Health: A Longitudinal Natural Experiment among Refugees in Germany

    Existing studies on contextual health effects struggle to account for compositional bias, limiting causal interpretation. We use refugee dispersal in Germany as a natural experiment to study the effect of area-level socioeconomic deprivation on mental and physical health, while considering the potential mediating role of neighbourhood characteristics. Refugees subject to dispersal (n = 1466) are selected ...

    In: SSM - Population Health 25 (2024), 101596, 11 S. | Louise Biddle, Kayvan Bozorgmehr
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Gravity Models for Potential Spatial Healthcare Access Measurement: a Systematic Methodological Review

    Background Quantifying spatial access to care—the interplay of accessibility and availability—is vital for healthcare planning and understanding implications of services (mal-)distribution. A plethora of methods aims to measure potential spatial access to healthcare services. The current study conducts a systematic review to identify and assess gravity model-type methods for spatial healthcare access ...

    In: International Journal of Health Geographics 22 (2023), 34, 22 S. | Barbara Stacherl, Odile Sauzet
  • Externe Monographien

    Restrictions to Civil Liberties in a Pandemic and Satisfaction with Democracy

    In times of crises, democracies face the challenge of balancing effective interventions with civil liberties. This study examines German states’ response during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the interplay between civil liberties and public health goals. Using state-level variation in mobility restrictions, we employ a difference-in-differences design to show that stay-at-home ...

    München: CESifo, 2023, 37 S.
    (CESifo Working Papers ; 10875)
    | Daniel Graeber, Lorenz Meister, Panu Poutvaara
  • Bericht

    SOEP-IS: Auswahl vielversprechender Module – diesjähriger Call for Submissions entfällt

    Im letzten Jahr erhielten wir wieder zahlreiche Anträge für die SOEP-Innovations-Stichprobe (SOEP-IS). Nach Auswahl der besten Module freuen wir uns zu berichten, dass wir das Potenzial der Daten deutlich erweitern konnten. Zurzeit führen wir außerordentlich viele spannende Kooperationen, laufende Projekte und Längsschnitt-Innovationsmodule durch. Aufgrund der Vielzahl neuer Projekte wird der Call ...

    10.01.2024| Carina Cornesse
1016 Ergebnisse, ab 21