Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2005
2005| Katharina Mahne, Jürgen Schupp
Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2005
2005| Jan Goebel, Maria Richter
Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2005
2005| Christian Schmitt
Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2005
2005| Christian Schmitt
Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2005
2005| Joachim R. Frick, Christian Schmitt
Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2005
2005| Rainer Pischner
Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2005
2005| Daniel Wachtlin, Mathis Schröder
Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2005
2005| Rainer Pischner
Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Monographien
2004| Joachim R. Frick, Thorsten Schneider (Eds.)
Data Documentation 1 / 2004
2004| Martin Spieß, Martin Kroh
Diskussionspapiere 490 / 2005
We analyse consent patterns and consent bias in the context of a large general household survey, the 'Improving survey measurement of income and employment' (ISMIE) survey, also addressing issues that arise when there are multiple consent questions. Using a multivariate probit regression model for four binary outcomes with two incidental truncations, we show that there are biases in consent to data ...
2005| Stephen P. Jenkins, Lorenzo Cappellari, Peter Lynn, Annette Jäckle, Emanuela Sala
Diskussionspapiere 489 / 2005
Linkages of household survey responses with administrative data may be based on unique individual identifiers or on survey respondent characteristics. The benefits gained from using unique identifiers need to be assessed in the light of potential problems such as non-response and measurement error. We report on a study that linked survey responses to UK government agency records on benefits and tax ...
2005| Stephen P. Jenkins, Peter Lynn, Annette Jäckle, Emanuela Sala
Diskussionspapiere 488 / 2005
This report derives from the project "Improving survey measurement of income and employment (ISMIE)" which investigates measurement error in survey data on income and employment, using a UK sub-sample of the European Household Community Panel (ECHP). In this paper we describe the process of collecting validation data and the outcomes of the process. Validation data were obtained from two sources: employers' ...
2005| Annette Jäckle, Emanuela Sala, Stephen P. Jenkins, Peter Lynn
Diskussionspapiere 487 / 2005
Using an experimental design, we compare two alternative approaches to dependent interviewing (proactive and reactive) with traditional independent interviewing on a module of questions about sources of income. We believe this to be the first large-scale quantitative comparison of proactive and reactive dependent interviewing. The three approaches to questioning are compared in terms of their impact ...
2005| Peter Lynn, Annette Jäckle, Stephen P. Jenkins, Emanuela Sala
Nicht-referierte Aufsätze
Public Health Forum
13 (2005), 47, S. 17-18
| Gert G. Wagner, Markus M. Grabka
Diskussionspapiere 486 / 2005
The promise of empirical evidence to inform policy makers about their population's health, wealth, employment and economic well being has propelled governments to invest in the harmonization of country specific micro data over the last 25 years. We review the major data harmonization projects launched over this period. These projects include the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS), the Cross-National Equivalent ...
2005| Richard V. Burkhauser, Dean R. Lillard
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Schmollers Jahrbuch
125 (2005), 1, S. 183-193
| Christin Schäfer, Jörg-Peter Schräpler, Klaus-Robert Müller, Gert G. Wagner
Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2005
2005| Markus M. Grabka, Jürgen Schupp
Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge
die tageszeitung
(01.04.2005), S. 11
| Gert G. Wagner
Event Documentation 2 / 2005
2005| Jürgen Schupp (Koord.)