News of the Graduate Center

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219 Ergebnisse, ab 1
  • Personalie

    Virginia Sondergeld has successfully defended her dissertation

    Virginia Sondergeld, former Research Associate in the Public Economics department and the Research Group Gender Economics, successfully defended her dissertation entitled “Women in management: Essays in Gender and Labor Economics” on January 31, 2025. The scientific reviewers were Peter Haan and Katharina Wrohlich. Congratulations!

  • Bericht

    Graduation Ceremony 2024

    Am 05.12. hat das Institut und das DIW GC 15 unserer Graduierten mit einer feierlichen Zeremonie verabschiedet. Nach einer Eröffnungsrede von Marcel Fratzscher und einer inspirierenden Rede von Prof. Dr. Nicolas Ziebarth, wurde auch Helmut Lütkepohl feierlich in seinen wohlverdienten Ruhestand verabschiedet. Der Vorstand und Kerstin Bernoth dankten ihm herzlich für seine bedeutende Arbeit in der Doktorand*innenausbildung ...

  • Nachrichten [Graduate Center]

    Fragen zu unserem PhD-Programm? Offene Info-Stunde

    Sie überlegen, sich für das strukturierte Doktorandenprogramm des DIW Graduate Center zu bewerben? Dies ist Ihre Chance, mehr über unser Programm zu erfahren, Fragen zu stellen und direkt mit unserem Team in Kontakt zu treten. Entdecken Sie, wie Sie von einer exzellenten akademischen Ausbildung, einem lebendigen Forschungsumfeld und einem Vollzeitstipendium profitieren können. Wir freuen uns darauf, ...

    02.12.2024| Laura Starck
  • Bericht

    Bewerbungsphase für das Doktorand*innenprogramm 2025 gestartet

    Das Bewerbungsportal für das Promotionsprogramm des DIW Graduate Centers ist ab sofort geöffnet! Absolventen können sich bis zum 15. Januar 2025 für den Jahrgang 2025 8Start: Oktober 2025) bewerben. Das Programm bietet eine strukturierte Doktorandenausbildung mit einem Vollstipendium im ersten Jahr und einer Anstellung in einer Abteilung in den Folgejahren. Bewerber sollten einen Masterabschluss in ...

    15.10.2024| Laura Starck
  • Personalie

    Johannes Seebauer successfully defends his dissertation

    Johannes Seebauer, Research Associate at SOEP and the DIW Graduate Center, successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Shocks and the Labor Market: Five Empirical Essays in Economics” with summa cum laude on November 19, 2024. The scientific reviewers were Carsten Schröder and Alexander Kritikos. Congratulation!

  • Nachrichten [Graduate Center]

    Jonas Hannane has successfully defended his dissertation

    We congratulate Jonas Hannane on successfully defending his dissertation on 08 October 2024.The title of the thesis was ‘Three Essays on the Economics of Digitization’ and he was supervised by Tomaso Duso and Hannes Ullrich. We wish him much success and all the best for his future career.

  • Nachrichten [Graduate Center]

    Mats Kröger has successfully defended his dissertation

    We congratulate Mats Kröger on successfully defending his dissertation on 26 September 2024.The title of the thesis was ‘Does a fair transition reduce efficiency? Essays on the distributional effects of energy and climate policy’ and he was supervised by Karsten Neuhoff and Chloé Le-Coq. We wish him much success and all the best for his future career.

  • Bericht

    Kick-off for the 2024 PhD Cohort at DIW Berlin

    We are excited to welcome the new 2024 cohort of PhD students, with some joining through the Berlin School of Economics (BSoE) and others directly through our program. All of them will conduct their research at DIW Berlin, marking the start of their academic journey with us. We wish them all the best as they embark on the path toward earning their doctorates and look forward to supporting their research ...

    30.09.2024| Arianna Antezza, Lukas Barner, Dominik Patrick Bursy, Alexander Grawe, Jonas Jungehülsing, Andreea-Maria Stoica
  • Nachrichten [Graduate Center]

    Fabian Seyrich has successfully defended his dissertation

    We congratulate Fabian Seyrich on successfully defending his dissertation on 9 July 2024.The title of the thesis was ‘Five Essays in Macroeconomics’ and he was supervised by Prof Dr Alexander Kriwoluzky and Prof Dr Christian Bayer. Fabian will remain with DIW and the Macroeconomics Department for part of the time. From 15 August 2024, he will also take up a new position as Assistant Professor at the ...

  • Nachrichten [Graduate Center]

    Andreas Leibing has successfully defended his dissertation

    Andreas Leibing, who works at the Public Economics Department, has successfully defended his dissertation at Freie Universität Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Education, Expectations, and the Economy: Four Essays in Education and Labor Economics" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Katharina Spieß and Prof. Dr. Jan Marcus. We congratulate Andreas on his success and wish him all the best for his future ...

  • Nachrichten [Graduate Center]

    New PhD exchange programme

    DIW Graduate Center and the Berlin School of Economics have approved an exchange programme with the PhD programme of the Aix-Marseille School of Economics (AMSE). This includes participation in PhD courses for which you will receive accreditation (please note that core courses are not interchangeable) as well as research stays at the AMSE faculty.  If you are interested in joining AMSE for a few months, ...

    20.06.2024| Kerstin Bernoth
  • Nachrichten [Graduate Center]

    Ben Schumann has successfully defended his dissertation

    Ben Schumann, who works at the Macroeconomics Department, has successfully defended his dissertation at Freie Universität Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Four Essays in Macroeconomics" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Alexander Kriwoluzky and Prof. Dr. Gernot Müller. We congratulate Ben on his success and wish him all the best for his future career.

  • Nachrichten [Graduate Center]

    Dennis Gaus has successfully defended his dissertation

    Dennis Gaus, who works at the Energy, Transportation, Environment department, has successfully defended his dissertation at Technische Universität Dresden. The dissertation with the title "Highway Infrastructure and its Maintenance: Economic Effects on Regions and Firms in Germany" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Georg Hirte and Prof. Dr. Christian Leßmann. We congratulate Dennis on his success ...

  • Nachrichten [Graduate Center]

    Call for the 1st German-Polish Ph.D. Summer School in Economics

    The Graduate Center of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Warsaw (FES UW) are organizing a German-Polish Summer School for Ph.D. students in economics in Warsaw September 9-14, 2024. The distinguished, internationally renowned lecturers will be Prof. Jeffrey Wooldridge (Michigan State University) and Prof. Monica Costa-Dias ...

    06.03.2024| Kerstin Bernoth
  • Nachrichten [Graduate Center]

    Best Paper Award 2024 for Robin Sogalla

    Robin Sogalla, Ph.D. Student of the Firms and Markets Department, received the Best Paper Award 2024 at the conference of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research in Vienna for his paper "Unilateral Climate Policy and Heterogeneous Firms". Congratulations!

    06.03.2024| Robin Sogalla
  • Personalie

    Alexander Roth has successfully defended his dissertation

    Alexander Roth, who works at the Energy, Transportation, Environment department, has successfully defended his dissertation at Technische Universität Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Five essays in energy economics - Numerical and empirical perspectives on the decarbonization of the energy sector" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Christian von Hirschhausen. We congratulate Alexander on his success ...

  • Nachrichten

    Bewerbungsphase für den Graduate Center Jahrgang 2024 noch bis 11. Februar

    Start of the next application period for our PhD programm (cohort starting in 2024) began on November 13, 2023. The deadline is February 11, 2024. We look forward to your application! Apply here!

    16.01.2024| Daniela Centemero
  • Nachrichten [Graduate Center]

    Mariza Montes de Oca Leon has successfully defended her dissertation

    Mariza Montes de Oca Leon, who worked at the Energy, Transportation, Environment department, has successfully defended her dissertation at Humboldt University of Berlin. The dissertation with the title "The political economy of carbon pricing: Modelling and empirical assessment of carbon pricing policies" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Franziska Holz. We congratulate Mariza on her success ...

    30.11.2023| Mariza Montes de Oca León
  • Personalie

    Boryana Ilieva has successfully defended her dissertation

    Boryana Ilieva, who worked at the Public Economics department, has successfully defended her dissertation at Humboldt University of Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Essays on Labor Economics, Dynamic Decision Making and the Role of Gender" was supervised by Prof. Georg Weizsäcker, Ph. D. and Prof. Dr. Peter Haan. We congratulate Boryana on her success and wish her all the best for her future ...

  • Personalie

    Shan Huang has successfully defefended her dissertation

    Shan Huang has successfully defended her dissertation at the University of Copenhagen. The dissertation with the title "Essays on the economics of health care provision" was supervised by Professor Dr. Hannes Ullrich (DIW Berlin and University of Copenhagen). Shan was a PhD student at the Firms and Markets Department and GC class of 2017. We congratulate her on her success and wish her all the best ...

219 Ergebnisse, ab 1