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News of the Graduate Center

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212 Ergebnisse, ab 201
  • Bericht

    Jan Marcus receives prize at the “Best Paper Prize for Young Economists competition”

    Jan Marcus, doctoral student of the German Socio-Economic Panel Study, has won a prize at the “Best Paper Prize for Young Economists competition” associated with the Warsaw International Economic Meeting 2012. His paper is entitled “The effect of unemployment on the mental health of spouses - Evidence from plant closures in Germany".

  • Bericht

    Workshop in writing skills for young scientists

    The Communications Department invites graduates and young scientists to participate in a 2-day-workshop on writing and publication skills. The workshop on Nov 15 and 16, 2012, will cover topic selection, structure of an article in the DIW’s main publication “Wochenbericht”, presenting your research to the media and several hands on –writing trainings. We will give each you individual ...

  • Pressemitteilung

    Berliner Schüler erforschen Wirtschaftswachstum

    Start der Herbststaffel des Schülerlabors Geisteswissenschaften der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften

  • Bericht

    Jointed Courses with BDPEMS in WS2012/13

    In winter semester 2012/2013, the GC cooperates further with the Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics and Management Science (BDPEMS) for various advanced courses at DIW Berlin. The lecturers for Microeconomic Analysis I include Prof. Ulrich Kameke (HU Berlin), Prof. Dorothea Kübler (WZB, TU Berlin) and Prof. Georg Weizsäcker (DIW Berlin, HU Berlin). The Advanced Macroeconomic Analysis Course ...

  • Bericht

    Announcement: GC Workshop on Giving Scientific Talks

    The Graduate Center offers two 2-day workshops on giving scientific talks on October 16/17 and on October 18/19.The course covers topics like targeting the audience, choosing content, commanding body language and voice, refining rhetorical skills, managing stress, as well as conveying messages authentically and convincingly. One part of the training will include videotaping presentations and analyzing ...

  • Bericht

    GC welcomed new doctoral students

    On October 4/5, the DIW Graduate Center welcomed its new cohort GC2012 through various events. Ten promising young students introduced themselves at the welcome reception in the evening of October 4, following the opening speeches of Prof. Gert G. Wagner, president of DIW Berlin, and Prof. Helmut Lütkepohl, Dean of the GC. On October 5, a detailed introduction to the doctoral program structure ...

  • Bericht

    GC Summer Workshop 2012 a big success

    From June 28 to 30, the first Graduate Center Summer Workshop took place in the avendi Hotel at Griebnitz Lake in Potsdam and turned out to be a big success. During the three-day workshop, GC09 and GC10 doctoral students presented their current research and received feedback from their supervisors and peers. The workshop was well attended by more than 50 professors, doctoral students and external guests. ...

  • Bericht

    Berlin Network of Labour Market Researchers: Many participants in lecture series with Joseph Altonji

    This year’s Lecture series of the Berlin Network of Labour Market Researchers (BeNA) took place on 23 and 24 April with support from the DIW Berlin and in particular the Socio-Economic Panel. The lecture was held by Professor Joseph Altonji (Yale University) on the topic „Dealing with Selection on Unobservables“. Most of the more than 70 participants came from Berlin (students, PhD-students, ...

  • Bericht

    Cohort 2012: Selection process finished

    For this year’s student intake, the Graduate Center received a record number of outstandingly high qualified applications. After a careful selection process of evaluating paper applications and conducting personal interviews, the selection committee agreed on 14 candidates to be accepted as new doctoral students into the Graduate Center. The program starts on 1 October 2012.We welcome all successful ...

  • Personalie

    Helmut Lütkepohl appointed new Dean of Graduate Center

    In 2012, Prof. Dr. Helmut Lütkepohl is the new Dean of the DIW Graduate Center.Helmut Lütkepohl is an internationally renowned econometrician and former professor at the European University Institute in Florence. In 2011 he has been voted the no. 1 German Economists Abroad in a ranking published by the newspaper Handelsblatt. While strengthing the GC's portfolio, Helmut Lütkepohl also ...

  • Bericht

    Joint Courses with BDPEMS

    For the first time, the GC offers a course in Advanced Microeconomics in cooperation with the Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics and Management Science (BDPEMS). The lecturers are Ulrich Kameke (HU Berlin), Dorothea Kübler (WZB, TU Berlin) and Georg Weizsäcker (DIW Berlin, UCL). The course is open for students from both programs. GC students also participate in the Advanced Macroeconomics ...

  • Bericht

    New GC class started in October 2011

    We happily announce that the newest cohort started the GC program on October 1st, 2011. 14 outstanding graduate students will work through the first year’s intensive curriculum and pursue their PhDs raising the total number of GC students currently enrolled in the program to 58.Learn more about our new students here.

212 Ergebnisse, ab 201