News of the Graduate Center

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218 Ergebnisse, ab 61
  • Bericht

    Promotionsförderung für Doktorand am Graduate Center

    Wir gratulieren Nils Handler, Doktorand im GC-Jahrgang von 2019, zu der Auszeichnung. Ab Oktober 2020 wird die Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft seine Promotion finanzieren.

    10.06.2020| Nils Handler
  • Bericht

    Marica Valente nimmt an den Lindauer Nobelpreisträgertagungen teil

    Marica Valente, Doktorandin in der Abteilung Energie, Verkehr, Umwelt, wurde zum 7. Lindauer Treffen der Wirtschaftswissenschaften eingeladen. 373 junge WirtschaftswissenschaftlerInnen aus 60 Ländern wurden für die Teilnahme an der Konferenz ausgewählt. Aufgrund der SARS-CoV-Pandemie wird das Treffen online stattfinden. Das eigentliche Treffen wurde auf 2021 verschoben. Wir gratulieren ...

    06.05.2020| Marica Valente
  • Personalie

    Melanie Koch has successfully defended her dissertation

    Melanie Koch, Research Associate in the International Economics Department and GC Class of 2015, has successfully defended her dissertation at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Non-Standard Preferences and Beliefs in Financial Decision Making" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Lukas Menkhoff (DIW Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Georg Weizsäcker (HU). We ...

  • Personalie

    Aline Zucco has successfully defended her dissertation

    Aline Zucco, part of the Gender Economics Research Group and GC Class of 2015, has successfully defended her dissertation at Freie Universität Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Essays on Gender Pay Gaps and Wealth Concentration" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Peter Haan (DIW Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Silke Anger (IAB). We congratulate Aline on her success and wish her all the best for her future ...

  • Bericht

    Nachwuchspreis der Joachim Herz Stiftung geht an Amelie Schiprowski

    Die Alumna des Graduate Centers und Juniorprofessorin an der Universität Bonn, Amelie Schiprowski, erhält den Nachwuchspreis der Joachim Herz Stiftung, der am 19. März 2020 in Hamburg verliehen wird. Mit 25.000 Euro Preisgeld wird ihr Beitrag zur Rolle von Fallmanagern bei der Jobvermittlung von Arbeitslosen geehrt. Amelie schloss 2018 ihre Promotion am Graduate Center des DIW Berlin ...

    27.01.2020| Amelie Schiprowski
  • Bericht

    Jonas Jessen erhält den BeNA Innovative Research Award

    Jonas Jessen, Doktorand am DIW Graduate Center und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Bildung und Familie, hat den BeNA Innovative Research Award 2019 gewonnen. Wir gratulieren Jonas für die Auszeichnung, die jährlich vom Berliner Netzwerk für Arbeitsmarktforschung (BeNA) für herausragende wissenschaftliche Beiträge verliehen wird. Für sein Paper mit dem ...

    06.01.2020| Jonas Jessen
  • Bericht

    Am 5. Dezember 2019 ehrte das DIW Berlin die diesjährigen AbsolventInnen des Graduate Centers, des BDPEMS und die Promovierten am DIW.

    Am 5. Dezember 2019 ehrte das DIW Berlin die diesjährigen AbsolventInnen des Graduate Centers, des BDPEMS und die Promovierten am DIW. In einer Feierstunde gratulierte DIW-Präsident Marcel Fratzscher allen frisch gebackenen Promovierten und GC Vize-Dekan Carsten Schröder überreichte die Urkunden. Umrahmt wurde das Programm von Benedikt Bindewald (Violine) und Tabea Schrenk ...

    09.12.2019| Juliane Metzner
  • Personalie

    Thore Schlaak has successfully defended his dissertation

    Thore Schlaak, who works at the Forecasting and Economic Policy Department, has successfully defended his dissertation at the Freie Universität Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Essays on Structural Vector Autoregressions Identified Through Time-Varying Volatility" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Helmut Lütkepohl (DIW Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Lars Winkelmann (FU Berlin). We congratulate Thore ...

  • Personalie

    Dawud Ansari has successfully defended his dissertation

    Dawud Ansari, who works at the Energy, Transportation, Environment Department, has successfully defended his dissertation at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Numerical models for emerging energy and resource issues: Examples from tight oil, global energy, and rural electrification" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Klaus Eisenack (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) ...

  • Personalie

    DIW GC graduate receives Ernst Reuter award

    Dr. Annika Schnücker, who graduated in 2018, is receiving this year's Ernst-Reuter-Preis for Outstanding Young Scientists at Freie Universität, Berlin.She is being honored for her dissertation "Model Selection Methods for Panel Vector Autoregressive Models," which is selected as one of the 5 most outstanding dissertations of 2018 at Freie Universität, Berlin.Georg Weizsäcker, Dean ...

  • Personalie

    Sophia Schmitz has successfully defended her dissertation

    Sophia Schmitz, who works at the Education and Family department, has successfully defended her dissertation at the Freie Universität Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Child Care, Social Norms and Women's Labor Supply" was supervised by Prof. C. Katharina Spieß (DIW Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin) and Prof. Natalia Danzer (Freie Universität ...

  • Bericht

    The Berlin School of Economics welcomes the new Ph.D. students with a welcome Event at DIW Berlin

    On October 1st, we welcomed the new Ph.D. students of the Berlin School of Economics with a welcome event. After a short introduction at the Humboldt-University in the morning and a preparatory math course in the afternoon, the group gathered at DIW Berlin for a welcome ceremony. At a welcome reception the new students had the chance to connect with each other and the whole team. A warm ...

  • Personalie

    Vera Zipperer has successfully defended her dissertation

    Vera Zipperer, who works at the Climate Policy department, has successfully defended her dissertation at the Technische Universität Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Creating innovation incentives through environmental policies: An economic analysis" was supervised by Prof. Karsten Neuhoff, Ph.D. (DIW Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin) and Prof. Simone Borghesi, Ph.D. ...

  • Bericht

    Berlin School of Economics Kick-Off!

    On thursday September 19, 2019, the Berlin School of Economics will have its official opening ceremony at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin! For this special occasion, we are glad to welcome Nobel Laureate Jean Tirole, who will be holding the keynote address.  This event signifies the official start of a joint Berlin-wide career development program and celebrates all those who have made ...

    13.08.2019| Andrea Bawamia
  • Personalie

    Pauline Affeldt has successfully defended her dissertation

    Pauline Affeldt, who works at the Firms and Markets department, has successfully defended her dissertation at the Technische Universität Berlin.The dissertation with the title "Three Essays on the Economics of Merger Control" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Tomaso Duso (DIW Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Radosveta Ivanova-Stenzel  (Technische Universität Berlin).We ...

  • Personalie

    Julia Schmieder Receives Two Prizes for her Research

    The Vienna University of Economics and Business has awarded Julia Schmieder from the Public Economics department with the Prize for Young Researchers, as well as the Prize for Outstanding Contributions to the Economic Policy Debate in Austria. The Graduate Center and its dean Prof. Weizsäcker congratulate her on the success!

  • Personalie

    Mara Barschkett Receives a Scholarship from the Network for Old Age Provision

    Mara Berschkett, from the Graduate Center has been granted a scholarship from the Network for Old Age Provision (Forschungsnetzwerk Alterssicherung) from Ocotber 2019 on. The Dean of the Graduate Center, Prof. Weizsäcker congratulates her on the success!

  • Personalie

    Jakob Miethe has successfully defended his dissertation

    Jakob Miethe, who works at the International Economics department, has successfully defended his dissertation at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.The dissertation with the title "Offshore Finance and the Economics of Regulation and Reform" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Lukas Menkhoff (DIW Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) and Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, Ph.D. (DIW Berlin, Humboldt-Universität ...

  • Personalie

    Julia Schmieder has successfully defended her dissertation

    Julia Schmieder, who works at the Public Economics department, has successfully defended her dissertation at the Freie Universität Berlin. The dissertation with the title "Essays in Labor and Demographic Economics" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Peter Haan (DIW Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Andrea Weber (Central European University). We congratulate Julia on her success and ...

  • Personalie

    Martin Bruns has successfully defended his dissertation

    Martin Bruns, who works at the Forecasting and Economic Policy department, has successfully defended his dissertation at the Freie Universität Berlin.The dissertation with the title "Essays in Empirical Macroeconomics: Identification in Vector Autoregressive Models and Robust Inference in Early Warning Systems" was supervised by Prof. Dr. Helmut Lütkepohl (DIW Berlin, Freie Universität ...

218 Ergebnisse, ab 61