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1215 Ergebnisse, ab 1181
  • SOEPpapers 35 / 2007

    How the Distribution of After-Tax Income Changed over the 1990s Business Cycle: A Comparison of the United States, Great Britain, Germany and Japan

    Using kernel density estimation we find that over their 1990s business cycles the entire distribution of after-tax (disposable) income moved to the right in the United States and Great Britain while inequality declined. In contrast, Germany and Japan experienced less growth, a rise in inequality and a decline in the middle mass of their distributions that spread mostly to the right, much like the United ...

    2007| Richard V. Burkhauser, Takashi Oshio, Ludmila Rovba
  • SOEPpapers 34 / 2007

    The Cyclicality of Effective Wages within Employer-Employee Matches: Evidence from German Panel Data

    Using individual based micro-data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), I analyze the cyclicality of real wages for male workers within employer-employee matches over the period 1984-2004, and compare different wage measures: the standard hourly wage rate, hourly wage earnings including overtime and bonus payments, and the effective wage, which takes into account not only paid overtime, ...

    2007| Silke Anger
  • SOEPpapers 33 / 2007

    Precautionary Savings by Natives and Immigrants in Germany

    This paper analyses the savings behaviour of natives and immigrants in Germany. It is argued that uncertainty about future income and legal status (in case of immigrants) is a key component in the determination of the level of precautionary savings. Using the German Socio-economic Panel data it is shown that, although immigrants have lower levels of savings and are less likely to have regular savings ...

    2007| Matloob Piracha, Yu Zhu
  • SOEPpapers 32 / 2007

    Quantifying the Psychological Costs of Unemployment: The Role of Permanent Income

    Unemployment causes significant losses in the quality of life. In addition to reducing individual income, it also creates non-pecuniary, psychological costs. We quantify these non-pecuniary losses by using the life satisfaction approach. In contrast to previous studies, we apply Friedman's (1957) permanent income hypothesis by distinguishing between temporary and permanent effects of income changes. ...

    2007| Andreas Knabe, Steffen Rätzel
  • SOEPpapers 31 / 2007

    Cost Liability and Residential Space Heating Expenditures of Welfare Recipients in Germany

    Within the German welfare system, heating expenditures of recipients are in general fully covered by the government. This paper empirically tests for the hypothesis that households receiving welfare payments turn to over consumption of residential space heating. We use microdata from two different data sources to explore whether conditional heating expenditures of these households significantly differ ...

    2007| Katrin Rehdanz, Sven Stöwhase
  • SOEPpapers 30 / 2007

    Earnings Assimilation of Immigrants in Germany: The Importance of Heterogeneity and Attrition Bias

    Heterogeneity in the ethnic composition of Germany's immigrant population renders general conclusions on the degree of economic integration difficult. Using a rich longitudinal data-set, this paper tests for differences in economic assimilation profiles of four entry cohorts of foreign-born immigrants and ethnic Germans. The importance of time-invariant individual unobserved heterogeneity and panel ...

    2007| Michael Fertig, Stefanie Schurer
  • SOEPpapers 29 / 2007

    Risky Earnings, Taxation and Entrepreneurial Choice: A Microeconometric Model for Germany

    Which role do individual income prospects play in the decision to be an entrepreneur rather than an employee? In a model of occupational choice, higher expected after-tax earnings attract people to self-employment, while more risky net earnings deter risk-averse individuals. In this paper I analyse the expected value and variance of income in self-employment and dependent employment empirically, accounting ...

    2007| Frank M. Fossen
  • SOEPpapers 28 / 2007

    Economic Gains from Publicly Provided Education in Germany

    The aim of this paper is to estimate income advantages arising from publicly provided education and to analyse their impact on the income distribution in Germany. Using representative micro-data from the SOEP and considering regional and education-specific variation, from a cross-sectional perspective the overall result is the expected levelling effect. When estimating the effects of accumulated educational ...

    2007| Joachim R. Frick, Markus M. Grabka, Olaf Groh-Samberg
  • SOEPpapers 27 / 2007

    Die Beteiligung an ehrenamtlicher Arbeit und informeller Hilfe nach dem Renteneintritt: Analysen mit dem Sozio-oekonomischen Panel

    2007| Marcel Erlinghagen
  • SOEPpapers 26 / 2007

    When Have All the Graduates Gone? Internal Cross-State Migration of Graduates in Germany 1984-2004

    The present paper analyzes the out-migration of graduates to other German states or abroad based on the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP). Applying duration analysis, it can be shown that, ten years after graduation, slightly more than seventy percent of the graduates still live in the state where they completed their studies. The parametric estimation model identifies personal characteristics that ...

    2007| Oliver Busch
  • SOEPpapers 25 / 2007

    Das Sozio-oekonomische Panel (SOEP): Genese und Implementation

    2007| Hans-Jürgen Krupp
  • SOEPpapers 24 / 2007

    Keeping up with the Schmidts: An Empirical Test of Relative Deprivation Theory in the Neighbourhood Context

    We test empirically whether people's life satisfaction depends on their relative income position in the neighbourhood, drawing on a unique dataset, the German Socio-economic Panel Study (SOEP) matched with micro-marketing indicators of population characteristics. Relative deprivation theory suggests that individuals are happier the better their relative income position in the neighbourhood is. To test ...

    2007| Gundi Knies, Simon Burgess, Carol Propper
  • SOEPpapers 23 / 2007

    Risk Aversion and Reservation Wages

    This study examines the relationship between individual risk aversion and reservation wages using a novel set of direct measures of individual risk attitudes from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). We find that risk aversion has a significantly negative impact on the level of reservation wages. Moreover, we show that the elasticity of the reservation wage with respect to unemployment benefits ...

    2007| Markus Pannenberg
  • SOEPpapers 22 / 2007

    Konjunkturen des Ehrenamts: Diskurse und Empirie

    Der Beitrag skizziert zentrale Entwicklungstendenzen des Diskurses um ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit in den letzten etwa 30 Jahren. Dabei werden die Probleme der empirischen Erfassung des Wandels der Ehrenamtlichkeit verdeutlicht. Im Anschluss an die konzeptionelle Diskussion erfolgen Analysen zu Verbreitung Entwicklung ehrenamtlichen Engagements anhand von Längsschnittdaten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels ...

    2007| Harald Künemund, Jürgen Schupp
  • SOEPpapers 21 / 2007

    Precautionary Saving and Income Uncertainty in Germany: New Evidence from Microdata

    The saving ratio of households in Germany has increased in the past few years when the income trend was weak. This could be due to precautionary saving. In this paper, the importance of precautionary saving against income uncertainty is analyzed empirically using micro data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (GSOEP). Wealth in 2002 is regressed on alternative measures of income uncertainty ...

    2007| Nikolaus Bartzsch
  • SOEPpapers 20 / 2007

    Women's Earning Power and the "Double Burden" of Market and Household Work

    Bargaining theory suggests that married women who experience a relative improvement in their labour market position should experience a comparative gain within their marriage. However, if renegotiation possibilities are limited by institutional mechanisms that achieve long-term commitment, the opposite may be true, particularly if women are specialized in household activities and the labour market ...

    2007| Natalie Chen, Paola Conconi, Carlo Perroni
  • SOEPpapers 19 / 2007

    Zur Erfassung von Einkommen und Vermögen in Haushaltssurveys: Hocheinkommensstichprobe und Vermögensbilanz im SOEP

    2007| Joachim R. Frick, Jan Goebel, Markus M. Grabka, Olaf Groh-Sambeg, Gert G. Wagner
  • SOEPpapers 18 / 2007

    Editing and Multiple Imputation of Item-Non-Response in the 2002 Wealth Module of the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)

    2007| Joachim R. Frick, Markus M. Grabka, Jan Marcus
  • SOEPpapers 17 / 2007

    Gerechtigkeitsprobleme im Wohlfahrtsstaat: Besteuerung, wohlfahrtsstaatliche Transfers und die Gerechtigkeit des eigenen Erwerbseinkommens

    The article discusses the conflict of goals between fair compensation for performance and equitable support based on need in modern welfare states, which is a subject of controversy in various disciplines. It answers the question of the extent to which this policy problem of modern welfare states, which is an issue at the macrosocial level, also creates individual perceptions of problems of equity. ...

    2007| Stefan Liebig, Jürgen Schupp
  • SOEPpapers 16 / 2007

    Are Regional Differences in Utility Eliminated over Time? Evidence from Germany

    Hedonic theory assumes that changes in land prices and wage rates eliminate the utility advantages of differing locations. Using happiness data from the German socio-economic panel this paper empirically tests whether regional utility differences exist and if so whether utility levels show any tendency to converge over time. Empirical analysis reveals substantial differences in utility over different ...

    2007| David Maddison, Katrin Rehdanz
1215 Ergebnisse, ab 1181