SOEPpapers 15 / 2007
Despite much recent changes in gender relations, housework remains an area where women bear primary responsibility. This paper examines the role of policy and employment context on housework, not only for women who live with partners, but also for single women. I study German women's housework in the decade after unification, which allows me to simultaneously assess the impact of the ideological legacies ...
2007| Claudia Geist
SOEPpapers 14 / 2007
Based on samples from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) 1984 to 2004, this paper investigates the evolution of wages and wage inequality in Germany. Between 1984 and 1994 wages for prime age dependent male workers increased on average by 23 percent and the wage distribution in West Germany was fairly stable. Between 1994 and 2004 average wages rose by about 8 percent in West Germany and 28 percent ...
2007| Johannes Gernandt, Friedhelm Pfeiffer
SOEPpapers 13 / 2007
This paper examines the evolution of returns to education in the West German labour market over the last two decades. During this period, graduates from the period of educational expansion entered the labour market and an upgrading of the skill structure took place. In order to tackle the issues of endogeneity of schooling and its heterogeneous returns we apply two estimation methods: Wooldridge's ...
2007| Michael Gebel, Friedhelm Pfeiffer
SOEPpapers 12 / 2007
We evaluate the effects of the transition from cohabitation to marriage on household domestic and market work hours using a sample of working couples. For this purpose we use the 21 first waves of the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSEOP). We adapt the estimator introduced by Semykina and Wooldridge (2005) to system GMM estimation to account for selection bias in the presence of endogenous regressors. ...
2007| Abdel-Rahmen El Lahga, Nicolas Moreau
SOEPpapers 11 / 2007
Die Bildungsreformen der sechziger Jahre sollten das Bildungsniveau der Westdeutschen anheben. Die Analyse der Daten des Mikrozensus weist darauf hin, dass die durch die Bildungsreformen intendierte Bildungsexpansion schon vor 1960 begonnen hat. Mit dem Conditional Mean Independence Ansatz werden Schätzungen von Bildungsrenditen mit dem SOEP nach Geschlecht und Geburtskohorten für die Jahre 1985, 1991, ...
2007| Kathrin Göggel
SOEPpapers 10 / 2007
Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, welche Faktoren damit in Zusammenhang stehen, wie viele Jahre ein Kind vor Schuleintritt eine Betreuungs- und Bildungseinrichtung besucht und ob die Dauer des Besuchs von Kindertageseinrichtungen mit dem späteren Schultyp in Verbindung steht. Die empirische Analyse basiert auf einem für Deutschland repräsentativen Paneldatensatz. Das Sozio-oekonomische Panel (SOEP) ...
2007| Charlotte Büchner, C. Katharina Spieß
SOEPpapers 9 / 2007
2007| Klaus-Dirk Henke, Hanfried H. Andersen, Markus M. Grabka
SOEPpapers 8 / 2007
Germany is one of the few OECD countries with a two-tier system of statutory and primary private health insurance. Both types of insurance provide fee-for-service insurance, but chargeable fees for identical services are more than twice as large for privately insured patients than for statutorily insured patients. This price variation creates incentives to induce demand primarily among the privately ...
2007| Hendrik Jürges
SOEPpapers 7 / 2007
This paper analyzes the influence of children's health and mothers' physical and mental wellbeing on female labor force participation after childbirth in Germany. Our analysis uses data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) study, which enables us to measure children's health based on the occurrence of severe health problems including mental and physical disabilities, hospitalizations, and preterm ...
2007| Annalena Dunkelberg, C. Katharina Spieß
SOEPpapers 6 / 2007
2007| Hanfried H. Andersen, Axel Mühlbacher, Matthias Nübling
SOEPpapers 5 / 2007
This paper explores the determinants of individual well-being as measured by self-reported levels of satisfaction with income. Making full use of the panel data nature of the German Socio-Economic Panel, we provide empirical evidence for well-being depending on absolute and on relative levels of income in a dynamic framework. This finding holds after controlling for other influential factors in a multivariate ...
2007| Conchita D'Ambrosio, Joachim R. Frick
SOEPpapers 4 / 2007
2007| Irene Becker
SOEPpapers 3 / 2007
The definition and operationalization of wealth information in population surveys and the corresponding microdata requires a wide range of more or less normative assumptions. However, the decisions made in both the pre- and post-data-collection stage may interfere considerably with the substantive research question. Looking at wealth data from the German SOEP, this paper focuses on the impact of collecting ...
2007| Joachim R. Frick, Markus M. Grabka, Eva M. Sierminska
SOEPpapers 2 / 2007
2007| Joachim R. Frick, Jan Goebel, Markus M. Grabka
SOEPpapers 1 / 2007
After the introduction in Section 2, we very briefly sketch out current theoretical and empirical developments in the social sciences. In our view, they all point in the same direction: toward the acute and increasing need for multidisciplinary longitudinal data covering a wide range of living conditions and based on a multitude of variables from the social sciences for both theoretical investigation ...
2007| Gert G. Wagner, Joachim R. Frick, Jürgen Schupp