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1207 Ergebnisse, ab 41
  • SOEPpapers 1170 / 2022

    Does Money Change Who You Are? Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Effects of Wage Increases on Personality

    Using the 2015 introduction of a statutory minimum wage in Germany as a quasi-experiment, I investigate the effects of wage increases on personality. The degree to which each worker’s wage is intended to be affected by the reform is used as an instrument for the relative increase in the worker’s hourly wage in a two-stage least squares estimation based on nationally representative panel data (N = 1,955 ...

    2022| Adam Ayaita
  • SOEPpapers 1169 / 2022

    Wohnkosten und materielles Wohlergehen von Familien – Analyse der Wohnkostensituation und damit zusammenhängender Wohlfahrtsvorteile

    Wohnkosten machen einen großen Teil der Ausgaben der Haushalte und Familien aus, und variieren zwischen Haushalten unterschiedlicher Größe und Struktur stark. Trotzdem werden sie in der Familienberichterstattung bisher wenig thematisiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit will diese Lücke schließen, indem sie die Wohnkostensituation und Wohlfahrtsvorteile, die sich durch kostenreduziertes Wohnen ergeben, in Kategorien ...

    2022| Susanne Elsas, Annika Rinklake
  • SOEPpapers 1168 / 2022

    Do Individuals Adapt to All Types of Housing Transitions?

    This paper provides one of the first tests of adaptation to the complete set of residential transitions. We use long-run SOEP panel data and consider the impact of all housing transitions, whether or not they involve a change in housing tenure or geographical movement, on both life satisfaction and housing satisfaction. Controlling for individual characteristics, some residential transitions affect ...

    2022| Andrew E. Clark, Luis Diaz-Serrano
  • SOEPpapers 1167 / 2022

    Longitudinal Bidirectional Associations between Personality and Becoming a Leader

    Objective: Leaders differ in their personalities from non- leaders. However, when do these differences emerge? Are leaders “born to be leaders” or does their personality change in preparation for a leadership role and due to increasing leadership experience? Method: Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study, we examined personality differences between leaders (N = 2683 leaders, women: n ...

    2022| Eva Asselmann, Elke Holst, Jule Specht
  • SOEPpapers 1166 / 2022

    The Impact of Natives’ Attitudes towards Immigrants on Their Integration in the Host Country

    Exploiting the random allocation of asylum seekers to different locations in Germany, we study the impact of right-wing voting on refugees’ integration. We find that in municipalities with more voting for the right-wing AfD, refugees have worse economic and social integration. These impacts are largest for groups targeted by AfD campaigns and refugees are also more likely to suffer ...

    2022| Pia Schilling, Steven Stillman
  • SOEPpapers 1165 / 2022

    The Long-Run Effects of Immigration: Evidence across a Barrier to Refugee Settlement

    After the end of World War II in 1945, millions of refugees arrived in what in 1949 became the Federal Republic of Germany. We examine their effect on today’s productivity, wages, income, rents, education, and population density at the municipality level. Our identification strategy is based on a spatial discontinuity in refugee settlement at the border between the French and US occupation ...

    2022| Antonio Ciccone, Jan Nimczik
  • SOEPpapers 1164 / 2022

    In Debt but Still Happy? – Examining the Relationship Between Homeownership and Life Satisfaction

    We investigate the relationship between homeownership and life as well as housing satisfaction. Using panel data from Germany, we find that compared to renting, owning a home positively impacts housing satisfaction. Contrarily, we find no significant effects on life satisfaction in the long-term. Analysing short-term effects in an event-study design, we show that both life and housing satisfaction ...

    2022| Sebastian Will, Timon Renz
  • SOEPpapers 1163 / 2022

    Are Retirees More Satisfied? Anticipation and Adaptation Effects: A Causal Panel Analysis of German Statutory Insured and Civil Service Pensioners

    This study contributes to the subjective well-being and retirement literature by quantifying life satisfaction before (4) and after retirement (9+) periods asking: Are retirees more satisfied? Fixed-effects and causal instrumental variables (IV) estimates with individual longitudinal data of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP, 33 waves) analyze anticipation and adaptation retirement effects of statutory ...

    2022| Joachim Merz
  • SOEPpapers 1162 / 2022

    House Price Expectations

    This study examines short-, medium-, and long-run price expectations in hous ing markets. We derive and test six hypothesis about the incidence, formation, and relevance of price expectations. To do so, we use data from a tailored household sur vey, past sale offerings, satellites, and from an information RCT. As novel findings, we show that price expectations exhibit mean reversion in the long-run. ...

    2022| Niklas Gohl, Peter Haan, Claus Michelsen, Felix Weinhardt
  • SOEPpapers 1161 / 2022

    Parental Separation and the Formation of Economic Preferences

    We estimate the effect of parental separation on the risk and trust attitudes of German adolescents using a large household survey dataset, which allows us to match respondents to their siblings and parents. Our results indicate that adolescents from separated families are less trusting but have the same risk tolerance as adolescents from non-separated families, even after conditioning on the ...

    2022| Sarah C. Dahmann, Nathan Kettlewell, Jack Lam
  • SOEPpapers 1160 / 2022

    Belonging or Estrangement – The European Refugee Crisis and its Effects on Immigrant Identity

    This study deals with the impact of the 2015 European Refugee Crisis on the ethnic identity of resident migrants in Germany. To derive plausibly causal estimates, I exploit the quasi experimental setting in Germany, by which refugees are allocated to different counties by state authorities without being able to choose their locations themselves. This study finds that higher shares of refugees in a ...

    2022| Christopher Prömel
  • SOEPpapers 1159 / 2022

    Physical and Mental Health Changes in the Five Years before and Five Years after Childbirth: A Population-Based Panel Study in First-Time Mothers and Fathers from Germany

    Background: The transition to parenthood is characterized by far-reaching changes in life. However, little prospective-longitudinal evidence from general population samples exists on changes of general physical and mental health in the years around the birth of a child among mothers and fathers. Methods: Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), this study examined continuous and ...

    2022| Eva Asselmann, Susan Garthus-Niegel, Susanne Knappe, Julia Martini
  • SOEPpapers 1158 / 2022

    Was halten Geringverdienende vom Mindestlohn?

    Im Zentrum dieses Beitrags steht die Frage, wie Geringverdienende die Einführung des gesetzlichen Mindestlohns in Deutschland wahrnehmen. Auf Grundlage einer qualitativen Erhebung mit 31 Befragten im Rahmen von sechs Fokusgruppengesprächen, die im Sommer 2015 durchgeführt wurden, konnten vertiefte Einsichten gewonnen werden. Zunächst zeigte sich, dass Geringverdienende oftmals mit Beschäftigungshemmnissen ...

    2022| Marleen von der Heiden, Ralf Himmelreicher
  • SOEPpapers 1157 / 2022

    Income-Dependent Equivalence Scales and Choice Theory: Implications for Poverty Measurement

    Income-Dependent Equivalence Scales and Choice Theory: Implications for Poverty MeasurementEquivalence Scales are a tool for removing the heterogeneity of household sizes in the measurement of inequality, and affect poverty assessments and poverty lines. We address the disadvantage that poor households may suffer due to their reduced ability to share goods within the household. This disadvantage is ...

    2022| Christos Koulovatianos, Carsten Schröder
  • SOEPpapers 1156 / 2021

    The Development of the Rank-Order Stability of the Big Five across the Life Span

    Several studies have suggested that the rank-order stability of personality increases until midlife and declines later in old age. However, this inverted U-shaped pattern has not consistently emerged in previous research; in particular, a recent investigation implementing several methodological advances failed to support it. To resolve the matter, we analyzed data from two representative panel studies ...

    2021| Ingo S. Seifert, Julia M. Rohrer, Boris Egloff, Stefan C. Schmukle
  • SOEPpapers 1155 / 2021

    Center-Based Care and Parenting Activities

    We examine the relationship between parenting activities and center-based care using time diary and survey data for mothers in Germany. While mothers using center-based care spend significantly less time in the presence of their child, we find that differences in the time spent on specific activities such as reading, talking, and playing with the child are relatively small or zero. The pattern of results ...

    2021| Jonas Jessen, C. Katharina Spiess, Sevrin Waights
  • SOEPpapers 1154 / 2021

    Time, Income and Subjective Well-Being – 20 Years of Interdependent Multidimensional Polarization in Germany

    Society drifts apart in many dimensions. Economists focus on income of the poor and rich and the distribution of income but a broader spectrum of dimensions is required to draw the picture of multiple facets of individual life. In our study of multidimensional polarization we extend the income dimension by time, a pre-requisite and fundamental resource of any individual activity. In particular, we ...

    2021| Joachim Merz, Bettina Scherg
  • SOEPpapers 1153 / 2021

    Personality Traits Across the Life Cycle: Disentangling Age, Period, and Cohort Effects

    Economists increasingly recognise the importance of personality traits for socio-economic outcomes, but little is known about the stability of these traits over the life cycle. Existing empirical contributions typically focus on age patterns and disregard cohort and period influences. This paper contributes novel evidence for the separability of age, period, and cohort effects for a broad range ...

    2021| Bernd Fitzenberger, Gary Mena, Jan Nimczik, Uwe Sunde
  • SOEPpapers 1152 / 2021

    Does Grandparenting Pay off for the Next Generations? Intergenerational Effects of Grandparental Care

    Grandparents act as the third largest caregiver after parental care and daycare in Germany, as in many Western societies. Adopting a double-generation perspective, we investigate the causal impact of this care mode on children’s health, socio-emotional behavior, and school outcomes, as well as parental well-being. Based on representative German panel data sets, and exploiting arguably exogenous variations ...

    2021| Mara Barschkett, C. Katharina Spiess, Elena Ziege
  • SOEPpapers 1151 / 2021

    Overcoming Barriers to Service Access: Refugees’ Professional Support Service Utilization and the Impact of Human and Social Capital

    After arriving in a new country, refugees are most often dependent on professional support to reestablish their livelihood. It is however well documented that refugees face barriers when seeking access to services aimed at facilitating their settlement and integration. This study examines refugees’ support service needs and their actual utilization and investigates the impact of social and human capital ...

    2021| Ellen Heidinger
1207 Ergebnisse, ab 41