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Global Responsibilities: Renewable Energies, Climate Policy, Migratory Pressure: Reports

DIW Weekly Report 16/17/18 / 2019, S. 160-166

Claudia Kemfert, Lukas Menkhoff, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn Richstein, Tobias Stöhr, Vera Zipperer

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Lukas Menkhoff

Senior Research Associate in the Macroeconomics Department

Karsten Neuhoff

Head of Department in the Climate Policy Department

Claudia Kemfert

Head of Department in the Energy, Transportation, Environment Department

JEL-Classification: Q13;Q42;O1;F18;H23;L51;L78;F22;F35;O15
Keywords: Energy Transition, 100 % renewable energy, climate policy, Europe, emissions trading scheme, climate deposit, consumption charge, basic materials sector, development aid, migration, EU-Africa relations

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