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129 Ergebnisse, ab 51
  • Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 3 / 2011

    Deutsche forschungsintensive Industrie: Feuerprobe in der Krise bestanden?

    Die Bedeutung der forschungsintensiven Industrie für die gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung ist in keinem anderen großen OECD-Land so hoch wie in Deutschland. Im Zuge der Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise 2008/2009 kam es aber gerade in diesem Bereich zu starken Produktionseinbrüchen. Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, inwieweit dies einen Einfluss auf die internationale Wettbewerbsposition der deutschen ...

    2011| Heike Belitz, Martin Gornig, Alexander Schiersch
  • Diskussionspapiere 2043 / 2023

    Diversify or Not? – The Link between Global Sourcing of ICT Goods and Firm Performance

    Our paper contributes to the discussion about Europe’s digital sovereignty. We analyze the relationship between firm performance and the diversification of sourcing countries for imported ICT goods. The analysis is based on administrative data for 3888 German manufacturing firms that imported ICT goods in the years 2010 and 2014. We find that firms that diversify the sourcing of ICT goods across multiple ...

    2023| Alexander Schiersch, Irene Bertschek, Thomas Niebel
  • Diskussionspapiere 2017 / 2022

    Let's Switch to the Cloud: Cloud Adaption and Its Effect on IT Investment and Productivity

    The advent of cloud computing promises to improve the way firms utilize IT solutions. Firms are expected to replace large and inflexible fixed-cost investments in IT with more targeted variable spending in cloud solutions. In addition, cloud usage is expected to increase the productivity of firms, as it allows them to quickly customize the IT they require to their specific needs. We assess these assertions ...

    2022| Tomaso Duso, Alexander Schiersch
  • Diskussionspapiere 1988 / 2021

    Broadband and Productivity: Structural Estimates for Germany

    We study the impact of broadband availability on firms’ total factor productivity (TFP) using German firm-level data between 2010 and 2015. We adopt a control function approach to causally identify and separately estimate productivity for 46 two-digit manufacturing and service sectors. Over the sample period, broadband availability, measured by 16 Mbps transmission rates, more than doubled in German ...

    2021| Tomaso Duso, Mattia Nardotto, Alexander Schiersch
  • Diskussionspapiere 1960 / 2021

    The Productivity Puzzle in Business Services

    In Germany, the productivity of professional services, a sector dominated by micro and small firms, declined by 40 percent between 1995 and 2014. This productivity decline also holds true for professional services in other European countries. Using a German firm-level dataset of 700,000 observations between 2003 and 2017, we analyze this largely uncovered phenomenon among professional services, the ...

    2021| Alexander S. Kritikos, Alexander Schiersch, Caroline Stiel
  • Diskussionspapiere 1868 / 2020

    Knowledge-Based Capital and Productivity Divergence

    Understanding the causes of the slowdown in aggregate productivity growth is key to maintaining the competitiveness of advanced economies and ensuring long-term economic prosperity. This paper is the first to provide evidence that investment in Knowledge-Based Capital (KBC), despite having a positive effect on productivity at the micro level, is a driver of the weak productivity performance at the ...

    2020| Marie Le Mouel, Alexander Schiersch
  • Diskussionspapiere 1849 / 2020

    Testing the Superstar Firm Hypothesis

    The superstar firms model provides a compelling explanation for two simultaneously occurring phenomena: the rise of concentration in industries and the fall of labor shares. Our empirical analysis confirms two of the underlying assumptions of the model: the market share increases and the labor share decreases with increasing firm-level total factor productivity, providing support for the superstar ...

    2020| Alexander Schiersch, Caroline Stiel
  • Diskussionspapiere 1788 / 2019

    Agglomeration Economies and the Firm TFP: Different Effects across Industries

    This paper analyzes the effect of agglomeration economies on firms’ total factor productivity. We propose the use of a control function approach to overcome the econometric issue inherent to the two-stage approach commonly used in the literature. Estimations are conducted separately for four industry groups, defined by technological intensity, to allow for non-uniform effects of agglomeration economies ...

    2019| Martin Gornig, Alexander Schiersch
  • Diskussionspapiere 1774 / 2018

    Firm Size and Innovation in the Service Sector

    A rich literature links knowledge inputs with innovative outputs. However, most of what is known is restricted to manufacturing. This paper analyzes whether the three aspects involving innovative activity - R&D; innovative output; and productivity - hold for knowledge intensive services. Combining the models of Crepon et al. (1998) and of Ackerberg et al. (2015), allows for causal interpretation of ...

    2018| David B. Audretsch, Marian Hafenstein, Alexander S. Kritikos, Alexander Schiersch
  • Diskussionspapiere 1532 / 2015

    TFP, Labor Productivity and the (Un)observed Labor Input: Temporary Agency Work

    The study focuses on the question of whether productivity estimates are biased due to the emergence of a new input that is usually omitted: temporary agency worker (TAW). The study analyzes labor productivity and TFP by means of a structural approach using a representative dataset of German manufacturing firms. The empirical results show, once TAW is taken into account, that: i) labor productivity ...

    2015| Alexander Schiersch
129 Ergebnisse, ab 51