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322 Ergebnisse, ab 91
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 28/29 / 2015

    Leakage Protection for Carbon-Intensive Materials Post-2020

    Climate protection is a global challenge that all countries have a common but differentiated responsibility to address. However, not all governments are willing to commit to targets of equal stringency, and individual countries may put different emphases on carbon pricing in their policy mix. Carbon prices may thus continue to differ over longer time horizons. Therefore, measures to protect production ...

    2015| Karsten Neuhoff, William Acworth, Roland Ismer, Oliver Sartor, Lars Zetterberg
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 28/29 / 2015

    Combining Dynamic Allocation and Inclusion of Consumption into the EU ETS Would Be Beneficial: Six Questions to Karsten Neuhoff

  • DIW Economic Bulletin 28/29 / 2015

    Modernization and Innovation in the Materials Sector: Lessons from Steel and Cement

    Since 2007, the European cement and steel sectors have been characterized by substantial surplus production capacity. Hence re-investment in primary production of many materials remains limited and endangers the longer-term economic viability of many plants. Opportunities for innovation and modernization could overcome these challenges. They are linked to new demands for more efficient and lower-carbon ...

    2015| Karsten Neuhoff, Andrzej Ancygier, Jean-Pierre Ponssard, Philippe Quirion, Nagore Sabio, Oliver Sartor, Misato Sato, Anne Schopp
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 24 / 2015

    Market Incentives for System-Friendly Designs of Wind Turbines

    Up until now, wind turbines have been designed to generate electricity at the lowest possible total cost, independent of this electricity’s market value. With an increasing penetration of wind power in the system, the market value of electricity generated by wind turbines is declining, since wind turbines tend to produce electricity at the same time. For this reason, it will be important in the future ...

    2015| Nils May, Karsten Neuhoff, Frieder Borggrefe
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 21 / 2015

    Direct Marketing of Renewable Energy Creates New Risks for Investors: Eight Questions to Karsten Neuhoff

  • DIW Economic Bulletin 21 / 2015

    Mandatory Direct Marketing of Wind Power Increases Financing Costs

    The 2014 reform of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (Erneuerbare-Energien- Gesetz, or EEG) entailed that a mandatory direct marketing of green electricity be introduced. According to this law, operators of larger wind turbines must sell their electricity production on the electricity market. In addition to the wholesale price they receive a floating market premium, which is based on the average market ...

    2015| Thilo Grau, Karsten Neuhoff, Matthew Tisdale
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 19 / 2015

    Investment in Building Energy Efficiency: Climate Fund to Increase Rate of Refurbishment: Six Questions to Karsten Neuhoff

  • DIW Economic Bulletin 19 / 2015

    Using Equity Capital to Unlock Investment in Building Energy Efficiency?

    The energy transition will require considerable increases in energy efficiency, particularly in residential buildings. Financial support mechanisms, information and adviceprograms and dedicated training and certification of craftsmen are already in place to stimulate energy efficiency investment. Nevertheless, the required annual rate of thermal building refurbishment of around two percent is so far ...

    2015| Claus Michelsen, Karsten Neuhoff, Anne Schopp
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 9 / 2013

    Energy Transition Calls for High Investment

    Achieving the objectives of the German governments 2010 Energy Concept and the accelerated phase-out of nuclear energy will require significant investment in restructuring energy supply. In particular, this includes investment in installations for the use of renewable energy sources in the power and heating sector, as well as in the infrastructure, such as power grids. In addition, substantial investment ...

    2013| Jürgen Blazejczak, Jochen Diekmann, Dietmar Edler, Claudia Kemfert, Karsten Neuhoff, Wolf-Peter Schill
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 8 / 2013

    Germany Must Invest More in Its Future

    Shortly before the parliamentary election in 2013, Germany is riding on a wave of euphoria: hardly any other euro country has weathered the financial and debt crisis so well. Since 2009, GDP has grown by over eight percent and 1.2 million new jobs have been created. Public finances were consolidated and, in 2012, there was a fiscal surplus of 0.2 percent of GDP. An impressive financial position indeed ...

    2013| S. Bach, G. Baldi, K. Bernoth, J. Blazejczak, B. Bremer, J. Diekmann, D. Edler, B. Farkas, F. Fichtner, M. Fratzscher, M. Gornig, C. Kemfert, U. Kunert, H. Link, K. Neuhoff, W.-P. Schill, C. K. Spieß
322 Ergebnisse, ab 91