DIW Economic Bulletin 46/47 / 2017
Due to increasing shares of renewable energies in electricity production, the cost-effective system integration of these installations is becoming more and more important. Technologies and locations are viewed as system-friendly when they are more cost-efficient and easier to integrate because they, unlike other installations, produce at times when electricity is more valuable. This report shows that ...
2017| Karsten Neuhoff, Nils May, Jörn Richstein
DIW aktuell ; 77 / 2022
Die steile Entwicklung der Gaspreise hat die Strompreise im vergangenen Jahr in bislang ungeahnte Höhen klettern lassen. Satte Zusatzgewinne gemacht haben die Betreiber von Anlagen für erneuerbare Energien – und zwar indirekt auf Kosten der VerbraucherInnen, die kräftig draufzahlen mussten. Grund dafür ist die geltende Politik der gleitenden Marktprämie, mit der den Betreibern fast aller geförderter ...
2022| Jörn C. Richstein, Frederik Lettow, Karsten Neuhoff
DIW aktuell ; 39 / 2020
Bereits während der Finanzkrise in den Jahren 2008/2009 wurde diskutiert, ob klimapolitische Maßnahmen kurzfristig die Produktion und Nachfrage stimulieren und so auch Teil von Konjunkturpaketen sein können. Obwohl politische Entscheidungsträger in einer Krise dazu tendieren, auf bewährte Mittel zu setzen, wurden damals weltweit klimafreundliche Komponenten in die nationalen Konjunkturpakete integriert. ...
2020| Mats Kröger, Sun Xi, Olga Chiappinelli, Marius Clemens, Nils May, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn Richstein
DIW aktuell ; 23 / 2019
Die Klimaziele können nur mit einem Wechsel hin zu neuen Technologien und Praktiken für die Produktion und Nutzung von Grundstoffen, wie Zement, Stahl und Chemikalien, erreicht werden. Die Produktion solcher Grundstoffe macht rund 16 Prozent der europäischen und 25 Prozent der weltweiten Treibhausgasemissionen aus. Der moderate CO2-Preis im europäischen Emissionshandel (EU-ETS) und die unsichere Preisentwicklung ...
2019| Jörn Richstein, Karsten Neuhoff
DIW focus 4 / 2020
Already after the financial crisis in 2008/2009 there was a debate on whether elements aiming at sustainable development can be part of the stimulus packages and support the recovery of the economy. Despite the instinct of policy makers to prioritise battle-tested policies during a crisis, significant levels and different types of climate-friendly components were integrated in the 2009 stimulus packages ...
2020| Mats Kröger, Sun Xi, Olga Chiappinelli, Marius Clemens, Nils May, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn Richstein
Diskussionspapiere 2035 / 2023
Renewable energy installations are rapidly gaining market share due to falling technology costs and supportive policies. Meanwhile, the energy price crisis resulting from the Russian-Ukrainian war has shifted the energy policy debate toward the question of how consumers can benefit more from the low and stable generation costs of renewable electricity. Here we suggest a Renewable Pool (“RE-Pool”) under ...
2023| Karsten Neuhoff, Fernanda Ballesteros, Mats Kröger, Jörn C. Richstein
Diskussionspapiere 2013 / 2022
We assess the incorporation of wind or solar resource quality into renewable auction design as a means to geographically diversify renewable energy production and to reduce costs to consumers by reducing scarcity rents at sites with high resource quality. With a stylized auction model, we model the trade-off between production costs and consumer costs. After exploring the influence of the heterogeneity ...
2022| Mats Kröger, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein
Diskussionspapiere 1921 / 2020
This paper explores which climate-friendly projects could be part of the COVID-19 recovery while jump-starting the transition of the European basic materials industry. Findings from a literature review on technology options in advanced development stages for climate-friendly production and enhanced sorting and recycling of steel, cement, aluminium and plastics are combined with insights from interviews ...
2020| Olga Chiappinelli, Timo Gerres, Karsten Neuhoff, Frederik Lettow, Heleen de Coninck, Balázs Felsmann, Eugénie Joltreau, Gauri Khandekar, Pedro Linares, Jörn Richstein, Aleksander Śniegocki, Jan Stede, Tomas Wyns, Cornelis Zandt, Lars Zetterberg
Diskussionspapiere 1853 / 2020
Incentives for industrial loads to provide demand response on day-ahead and reserve markets are affected both by network tariffs, as well as regulations on the provision of flexibility in different markets. This paper uses a numerical model of the chlor-alkali process with a storable intermediate good to investigate how these factors affect the provision of demand response in these markets. We also ...
2020| Jörn C. Richstein, Seyed Saeed Hosseinioun
Diskussionspapiere 1840 / 2020
Industrial demand response can play an important part in balancing the intermittent production from a growing share of renewable energies in electricity markets. This paper analyses the role of aggregators – intermediaries between participants and the electricity market – in facilitating industrial demand response. Based on the results from semi-structured interviews with German demand response aggregators, ...
2020| Jan Stede, Karin Arnold, Christa Dufter, Georg Holtz, Serafin von Roon, Jörn C. Richstein