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59 Ergebnisse, ab 21
  • Diskussionspapiere 1765 / 2018

    An Auction Story: How Simple Bids Struggle with Uncertainty

    Short-term electricity markets are key to an efficient production by generation units. We develop a two-period model to assess different bidding formats to determine for each bidding format the optimal bidding strategy of competitive generators facing price-uncertainty. We compare the results for simple bidding, block bidding and multi-part bidding and find that even under optimal simple and block ...

    2018| Jörn C. Richstein, Casimir Lorenz, Karsten Neuhoff
  • Diskussionspapiere 1746 / 2018

    Renewable Energy Policy in the Age of Falling Technology Costs

    Cost of renewable energies have dropped, approaching wholesale power price levels. As a result, the role of renewable energy policy design is shifting – from covering incremental costs towards facilitating risk-hedging. An analytical model of the financing structure of renewable investment projects is developed to assess this effect und used to compare different policy design choices: contracts for ...

    2018| Karsten Neuhoff, Nils May, Jörn C. Richstein
  • Diskussionspapiere 1714 / 2017

    Project-Based Carbon Contracts: A Way to Finance Innovative Low-Carbon Investments

    Low and uncertain carbon prices are often stated as a major obstacle for industrial sector investments in technologies to deliver deep emissions reductions. Project-based carbon contracts underwritten by national governments could addressregulatory risk, lower financing costs and strengthen incentives for emission reductions at investment and operation stage. In this paper design options for project-based ...

    2017| Jörn Richstein
  • DIW Berlin - Politikberatung kompakt 189 / 2023

    Reacting to Changing Paradigms: How and Why to Reform Electricity Markets

    2023| Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein, Mats Kröger
  • DIW Berlin - Politikberatung kompakt 159 / 2020

    Mögliche Auswirkungen des nationalen Brennstoffemissionshandels auf Carbon Leakage und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit: Forschungsprojekt im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums der Finanzen

    2020| Nils May, Marie-Theres von Schickfus, Frederik Lettow, Karsten Neuhoff, Karen Pittel, Jörn Richstein, Markus Zimmer
  • Externe Monographien

    Electricity Market Design 2030-2050: Moving Towards Implementation

    2022, VI, 52 S.
    (Kopernikus Projekte : Die Zukunft unserer Energie : SynErgie)
    | Amir Ashour Novirdoust, Rajon Bhuiyan, Martin Bichler, Hans Ulrich Buhl, Gilbert Fridgen, Carina Fugger, Vitali Gretschko, Lisa Hanny, Johannes Knörr, Karsten Neuhoff, Christoph Neumann, Marion Ott, Jörn Richstein, Maximilian Rinck, Felix Röhrich, Michael Schöpf, Amelie Sitzmann, Johannes Wagner, Martin Weibezahl
  • Externe Monographien

    EEAG Revision Support Study: Final Report

    Luxemburg: EU, 2021, XLI, 308 S. | Paolo Buccirossi, Alessia Marrazzo, Livia Baccari, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein, Olga Chiappinelli, Jan Stede, Ciara Barbu O'Connor, Michael Hofmann, Robert Klotz, Sean Ennis, Bryn Enstone, Hans W. Friederiszick, Ela Głowicka, Anselm Mattes, Jan Christopher Rönn, Arvid Viaene, Tomaso Duso, Joanna Piechucka, Jo Seldeslachts
  • Externe Monographien

    Electricity Spot Market Design 2030 - 2050

    Frankfurt am Main: DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V.,, 2020, 53 S.
    (Kopernikus Projekte : Die Zukunft unserer Energie : SynErgie)
    | Amir Ashour Novirdoust, Martin Bichler, Caroline Bojung, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein ...
  • Externe Monographien

    Industrial Innovation: Pathways to Deep Decarbonisation of Industry: Part 3: Policy Implications

    Brussels: European Union, 2020, VII, 98 S. | Olga Chiappinelli, Katharina Erdmann, Timo Gerres, Manuel Haussner, Ingmar Juergens, Karsten Neuhoff, Alice Pirlot, Jörn C. Richstein, Yeen Chan
  • Externe Monographien

    Yì-qíng-zhī-hòu-dí-lù-sè-xīn-zhèng: huí-shì-yìng-duì-jīn-róng-wēi-jī-dí-lì-shí

    十一年前,能否将可持续发展政策纳入一揽子经济刺激计划以应对 金融危机以及这些政策是否有助于促进经济复苏激起了人们激烈的 讨论。尽管决策者们倾向于在危机中依赖历经考验的传统政策,但 是否符合环境友好、低碳发展的长期目标已经被吸纳到多国在2009 年一揽子经济刺激计划的考量中。彼次危机的经验证明,以气候目 标为导向的经济刺激政策不仅能促进投资,短期内扶持经济生产与 就业,更能在环境资源的约束之下激发长期创新与发展的潜力。本 文将指出,通过一系列以气候目标为导向的经济政策,例如在可再 生能源领域和工业部门的低碳工艺过程方面推行差价合约,以及在 基础设施建设和建筑翻新中执行绿色采购标准,政府可以进一步确 保其一揽子经济刺激政策与实体经济低碳转型的长期目标保持一致 。历史经验给予我们信心,在应对当前因疫情引发的经济危机中,“ 绿色”的经济刺激政策将助力经济复苏与转型。

    Berlin: DIW Berlin, 2020, 8 S. | Mats Kröger, Sun Xi, Olga Chiappinelli, Marius Clemens, Nils May, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn Richstein
59 Ergebnisse, ab 21