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25 Ergebnisse, ab 21
  • Externe Monographien

    COVID-19: a Crisis of the Female Self-Employed

    We investigate how the economic consequences of the pandemic, and of the governmentmandated measures to contain its spread, affect the self-employed – particularly women – in Germany. For our analysis, we use representative, real-time survey data in which respondents were asked about their situation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our findings indicate that among the self-employed, who generally face ...

    2021, 72 S.
    (GLO Discussion Paper Series ; 788)
    | Daniel Graeber, Alexander S. Kritikos, Johannes Seebauer
  • Externe Monographien

    COVID-19: a Crisis of the Female Self-Employed

    We investigate how the economic consequences of the pandemic, and of the governmentmandated measures to contain its spread, affect the self-employed – particularly women – in Germany. For our analysis, we use representative, real-time survey data in which respondents were asked about their situation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our findings indicate that among the self-employed, who generally face ...

    Potsdam: CEPA, 2021, 72 S.
    (CEPA Discussion Papers ; 27)
    | Daniel Graeber, Alexander S. Kritikos, Johannes Seebauer
  • Externe Monographien

    The Effect of a Major Pandemic on Risk Preferences: Evidence from Exposure to COVID-19

    The present paper studies the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on risk preferences. Using real-time panel data from the year before the pandemic and from the first few months of the pandemic in Germany (April to July 2020), we provide robust evidence that exposure to COVID-19 reduces individual risk tolerance. We establish a causal link between the pandemic and risk tolerance by exploiting longitudinal ...

    Rochester : SSRN, 2020, 43 S. | Daniel Graeber, Ulrich Schmidt, Carsten Schröder, Johannes Seebauer
  • Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge

    Der Mindestlohn muss deutlich steigen

    In: Die Zeit (23.06.2023), [Online-Artikel] | Marcel Fratzscher, Johannes Seebauer
  • Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge

    Zwölf Euro Mindestlohn - und nun?

    In: Frankfurter Rundschau (25.03.2022), S. 10 | Johannes Seebauer
25 Ergebnisse, ab 21