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4 Ergebnisse, ab 1
  • DIW Wochenbericht 12 / 2024

    Bedarf an und Inanspruchnahme von Unterstützung bei Geflüchteten ungleich verteilt

    Laut Bundesinnenministerium sollen Beratung und Hilfe zur Integration für alle Schutzsuchenden verfügbar sein. Der vorliegende Wochenbericht untersucht, inwieweit dies auf Personen zutrifft, die zwischen 2013 und 2016 nach Deutschland geflüchtet sind. Mithilfe von Daten der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Befragung Geflüchteter wird der Bedarf an und die tatsächliche Inanspruchnahme von Unterstützungsangeboten in fünf ...

    2024| Ellen Heidinger
  • SOEPpapers 1151 / 2021

    Overcoming Barriers to Service Access: Refugees’ Professional Support Service Utilization and the Impact of Human and Social Capital

    After arriving in a new country, refugees are most often dependent on professional support to reestablish their livelihood. It is however well documented that refugees face barriers when seeking access to services aimed at facilitating their settlement and integration. This study examines refugees’ support service needs and their actual utilization and investigates the impact of social and human capital ...

    2021| Ellen Heidinger
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Bridging Distance: Transnational and Local Family Ties in Refugees’ Social Support Networks

    This study examines the familial ties in the social support network of refugees in Germany. It investigates whether distance to family plays a role in the provision of emotional and informational support and how this relationship is moderated by social network services (SNS). Using data from the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees (N = 5237), the paper provides evidence for a family-centred network. Increasing ...

    In: Journal of Refugee Studies 37 (2024), 3, S. 645–666 | Ellen Heidinger
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Overcoming Barriers to Service Access: Refugees’ Professional Support Service Utilization and the Impact of Human and Social Capital

    After arriving in a new country, refugees are typically dependent on professional support to re-establish their livelihood. However, it is well documented that refugees face barriers when seeking access to services aimed at facilitating their settlement. This study examines refugees’ support service needs, their actual utilization, and investigates the impact of social and human capital on service ...

    In: Journal of International Migration and Integration 24 (2023), S. 271–312 | Ellen Heidinger
4 Ergebnisse, ab 1