DIW Wochenbericht 8 / 2023
Durch die Corona-Pandemie und insbesondere den russischen Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine sind die Energiepreise stark gestiegen. Die damit einhergehende hohe Verbraucherpreisinflation zwingt die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) ihrem Mandat entsprechend zum Handeln. Jedoch äußerte die EZB zunächst selbst Zweifel, etwas gegen die Energiepreissteigerungen ausrichten zu können. Wie dieser Wochenbericht auf ...
2023| Gökhan Ider, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Frederik Kurcz, Ben Schumann
DIW Wochenbericht 12 / 2018
Bestehende Frühwarnsysteme für wirtschaftliche Krisen haben die Auswirkungen des Teufelskreises zwischen Banken und Staaten auf die Finanzstabilität nicht erkannt. Der vor-liegende Beitrag stellt ein neues Prognosemodell für Kredit-risiken im Banken- und Staatssektor vor, das die gegenseitigen Abhängigkeiten zwischen beiden Sektoren berücksichtigt. Dadurch verbessert sich die Genauigkeit der Vorhersage ...
2018| Martin Bruns, Malte Rieth, Ben Schumann
DIW Weekly Report 8 / 2023
Energy prices have risen sharply as a result of the coronavirus pandemic as well as the Russian attack on Ukraine in February 2022. The resulting consumer price inflation is forcing the European Central Bank (ECB) to act in accordance with its mandate. However, the ECB expresses doubts that it will be able to have an impact on the price increases. As this Weekly Report based on an analysis of structural ...
2023| Gökhan Ider, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Frederik Kurcz, Ben Schumann
Diskussionspapiere 2089 / 2024
This paper first shows that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the European Central Bank (ECB) can influence global energy prices. Second, through Lucas critique-robust counterfactual analysis, we uncover that the ECB’s ability to affect fast-moving energy prices plays an important role in the transmission of monetary policy. Third, we empirically document that, to optimally fulfill its primary mandate, ...
2024| Gökhan Ider, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Frederik Kurcz, Ben Schumann
Diskussionspapiere 2058 / 2023
We develop a two-country business-cycle model of the US and the rest of the world with dollar dominance in trade invoicing, in cross-border credit, and in safe assets. The interplay between these elements—dollar trinity—rationalizes salient features of the Global Financial Cycle in the data: When its tide subsides, the dollar appreciates, financial conditions tighten, the world business cycle slows ...
2023| Georgios Georgiadis, Gernot J. Müller, Ben Schumann
Diskussionspapiere 2057 / 2023
The dollar is a safe-haven currency and appreciates when global risk goes up. We investigate the dollar’s role for the transmission of global risk to the world economy within a Bayesian proxy structural vectorautoregressive model. We identify global risk shocks using high-frequency asset-price surprises around narratively selected events. Global risk shocks appreciate the dollar, induce tighter global ...
2023| Georgios Georgiadis, Gernot J. Müller, Ben Schumann
Diskussionspapiere 2033 / 2023
This study examines whether central banks can combat inflation that is caused by rising energy prices. By using a high-frequency event study and a Structural Vector Autoregression, we find evidence that the European Central Bank (ECB) and the Federal Reserve (Fed) are capable of doing so by affecting domestic and global energy prices. This “energy-price channel” of monetary policy plays an important ...
2023| Gökhan Ider, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Frederik Kurcz, Ben Schumann
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
The dollar is a safe-haven currency and appreciates when global risk goes up. We investigate the dollar’s role for the transmission of global risk to the world economy within a Bayesian proxy structural vector autoregressive model. We identify global risk shocks using high-frequency asset-price surprises around narratively selected events. Global risk shocks appreciate the dollar, induce tighter global ...
Journal of Monetary Economics
144 (2024), 103549, 12 S.
| Georgios Georgiadis, Gernot J. Müller, Ben Schumann
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Spillovers from US monetary policy entail spillbacks to the domestic economy. Applying counterfactual analyses in a Bayesian proxy structural vector-autoregressive model we find that spillbacks account for a non-trivial share of the slowdown in domestic real activity following a contractionary US monetary policy shock. Spillbacks materialise as a monetary policy tightening depresses foreign sales and ...
Journal of Monetary Economics
131 (2022), S. 45–60
| Max Breitenlechner, Georgios Georgiadis, Ben Schumann
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
We test for the empirical relevance of partial and asymmetric dominant-currency pricing (DCP), the hypothesis that large but not necessarily identical shares of economies’ export and import prices are sticky in US dollar. We first set up a structural three-country New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model which nests DCP, producer-currency pricing and local-currency pricing. Under ...
Journal of International Economics
133 (2021), 103537
| Georgios Georgiadis, Ben Schumann