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10 Ergebnisse, ab 1
  • DIW Wochenbericht 8 / 2024

    Chinesische Beteiligung an Sanktionen könnte Druck auf Russland erheblich verstärken: Interview

    2024| Sonali Chowdhry, Erich Wittenberg
  • DIW Wochenbericht 8 / 2024

    Sanktionskoalitionen erhöhen Kosten für Russland, aber Last der Mitgliedsländer sollte verteilt werden

    Zunehmend setzen Staaten auf Allianzen oder Koalitionen, um gemeinsam Sanktionen gegen ein Drittland zu verhängen. Die Auswirkungen einer solchen Koordination sind jedoch unklar. Dieser Wochenbericht analysiert die Sanktionswelle gegen Russland im Jahr 2014 anhand von 400 000 Simulationen mit einem quantitativen Handelsmodell. Die Analyse zeigt, dass die multilaterale Zusammenarbeit bei den Sanktionen ...

    2024| Sonali Chowdhry, Julian Hinz, Joschka Wanner, Katrin Kamin
  • DIW Weekly Report 8 / 2024

    Coalitions for Sanctions Heighten Costs for Russia but Burden of Implementation Should Be Shared among Member Countries

    Countries increasingly form alliances to collectively impose sanctions. However, the resulting impact of such coordination remains unclear. Analyzing the 2014 wave of sanctions against Russia over 400,000 simulations with a quantitative trade model, this report demonstrates that multilateral cooperation through coalitions simultaneously reduced domestic welfare losses incurred from sanctions and intensified ...

    2024| Sonali Chowdhry, Julian Hinz, Joschka Wanner, Katrin Kamin
  • Diskussionspapiere 2085 / 2024

    Renminbi Rising? Exporters' Response to China's Currency Internationalization

    This paper investigates the heterogeneous responses of exporters to policy reforms undertaken by the People’s Bank of China to internationalize the Renminbi (RMB). Using detailed customs data from France for the initial years of these reforms (2011-2017), it documents several novel stylized facts on RMB adoption, highlighting both the growth and extreme skewness in RMB’s uptake across firms and varieties. ...

    2024| Sonali Chowdhry
  • Diskussionspapiere 2021 / 2022

    Brothers in Arms: The Value of Coalitions in Sanctions Regimes

    This paper examines the impact of coalitions on the economic costs of the 2012 Iran and 2014 Russia sanctions. By estimating and simulating a quantitative general equilibrium trade model under different coalition setups, we (i) dissect welfare losses for sanctions senders and target; (ii) compare prospective coalition partners and; (iii) provide bounds for the sanctions potential — the maximum welfare ...

    2022| Sonali Chowdhry, Julian Hinz, Katrin Kamin, Joschka Wanner
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Brothers in Arms: The Value of Coalitions in Sanctions Regimes

    This paper examines the impact of coalitions on the economic costs of the 2012 Iran and 2014 Russia sanctions. By estimating and simulating a quantitative general equilibrium trade model under different coalition setups, we (1) dissect welfare losses for sanctions senders and target; (2) compare prospective coalition partners; (3) investigate ‘optimal’ coalitions that maximize payoff from sanctions; ...

    In: Economic Policy 39 (2024), 118, S. 471–512 | Sonali Chowdhry, Julian Hinz, Katrin Kamin, Joschka Wanner
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Trade Liberalization along the Firm Size Distribution: The Case of the EU-South Korea FTA

    Leading theories suggest that amongst continuing exporters, lower variable trade costs should boost exports of smaller firms by the same or greater percentage rate than larger firms. However, investigating the impact of the deep EU-South Korea FTA with French customs data, we find robust evidence to the contrary. Applying a triple-difference framework, we report that the FTA increased sales in the ...

    In: Review of International Economics 31 (2023), 5, S. 1751-1792 | Sonali Chowdhry, Gabriel Felbermayr
  • Externe Monographien

    An Analysis of the Implementation of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA): In-Depth Analysis

    This in-depth analysis offers a quantitative analysis of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada, six years after its provisional enforcement. Our analysis confirms substantial economic gains: goods exports from the EU to Canada increased by 27 % and imports rose by 32 % due to the agreement. The services sector also showed robust growth, with 19 % and 15 % increases ...

    Bruxelles: European Parliament, 2023, 27 S. | Julian Hinz, Carsten Philipp Brockhaus, Sonali Chowdhry, Hendrik Mahlkow, Vasundhara Thakur
  • Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge

    Growing Together: Policy Considerations for the African Continental Free Trade Area

    In: EUIdeas (27.03.2023), [Online-Artikel] | Sonali Chowdhry, Martina F. Ferracane and Rohit Ticku
  • Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge

    Sanctions Coalitions: Stronger together

    In: (30.10.2022), [Online-Artikel] | Joschka Wanner, Julian Hinz, Katrin Kamin, Sonali Chowdhry
10 Ergebnisse, ab 1