Einkommensschwache Haushalte können sich nachhaltige Produkte – wie Bio-Lebensmittel oder Fairtrade-Kleidung – oft nicht leisten. Das Gefühl von Einkommensungleichheit wird durch das Bedürfnis nach nachhaltigen, aber teureren Produkten verstärkt. Was kann der Staat in einer solchen Situation tun, wenn er also einerseits umweltfreundliches Verhalten fördern und andererseits damit verbundene größere ...
We show that the first nationwide mass vaccination campaign against measles increased educational attainment in the United States. Our empirical strategy exploits variation in exposure to the childhood disease across states right before the Measles Eradication Campaign of 1967–68, which reduced reported measles incidence by 90 percent within two years. Our results suggest that mass vaccination against ...
Rising inflation complicates the alignment of the ECB’s policies with the Paris Agreement. This paper provides novel evidence for inflationary pressures arising from natural disasters. We then discuss the effectiveness of monetary instruments to boost a green transition, concluding that the scope of policy measures used thus far is limited. As additional measures, we advise active rebalancing of the ...