DIW Economic Bulletin 4 / 2015
At the end of 2014, women were no better represented on the top decision-making bodies of enterprises in the financial sector than the previous year. The share of women on the executive boards of the 100 largest banks and savings banks remained at an average of almost seven percent and on the executive boards of the 60 largest insurance companies at 8.5 percent. On supervisory boards, change was slow ...
2015| Elke Holst, Anja Kirsch
DIW Economic Bulletin 4 / 2015
DIW Economic Bulletin 4 / 2015
The executive boards of large corporations in Germany continue to be in men’s hands: at the close of 2014, a good five percent of executive board members at the top 200 companies in Germany were women. This is equivalent to an increase of one percentage point over 2013, which is evidence of the rather sluggish development in this area. DAX 30 companies recorded the largest proportion of female board ...
2015| Elke Holst, Anja Kirsch
DIW Economic Bulletin 11 / 2014
Almost a quarter of a century after the fall of the Wall, there are still more women in employment in eastern Germany than in the west. Although the disparity is marginal now, the two regions started from dramatically different levels. In 1991, immediately after reunification, the employment rate for women in western Germany was 54.6 percent, but since then it has increased year on year, reaching 67.5 ...
2014| Elke Holst, Anna Wieber
DIW Economic Bulletin 11 / 2014
People’s expectations after the fall of the Berlin Wall 25 years ago and of reunification in 1990 were huge. The government promised to create “flourishing landscapes” within a few years. The euphoria of reunification came not only through the desire to finally become one country and one nation again but also had tangible economic reasons: the people from East Germany wanted better economic prospects, ...
2014| Karl Brenke, Marcel Fratzscher, Markus M. Grabka, Elke Holst, Sebastian Hülle, Stefan Liebig, Maximilian Priem, Anika Rasner, Pia S. Schober, Jürgen Schupp, Juliane F. Stahl, Anna Wieber
DIW Economic Bulletin 3 / 2014
Last year, more women were appointed to the executive boards of major financial institutions. The share of women on the executive boards of banks and savings banks at the end of 2013 was a good six percent, which represents an increase of almost two percentage points over the previous year. This increase is primarily attributable to changes at private financial institutions and cooperative banks. At ...
2014| Elke Holst, Anja Kirsch
DIW Economic Bulletin 3 / 2014
DIW Economic Bulletin 3 / 2014
The trend toward more women on the corporate boards of German companies continued in 2013, albeit on a small scale. The share of women on the supervisory boards of the 200 largest companies increased by more than two percentage points, and thus at a somewhat higher rate than in recent years, to just over 15 percent. The corresponding share of women on executive boards virtually stagnated at a low level ...
2014| Elke Holst, Anja Kirsch
DIW aktuell ; 65 / 2021
Der Bundestag wird voraussichtlich am heutigen Freitag (11. Juni 2021) die Mindestbeteiligung von Frauen in Vorständen großer privatwirtschaftlicher Unternehmen beschließen. 64 Unternehmen müssten die neue Regelung dann erfüllen, 42 davon tun dies bereits, wie die vorliegende Analyse zeigt. Das sind acht Unternehmen mehr als zum Zeitpunkt der Einigung einer Arbeitsgruppe der Großen Koalition auf den ...
2021| Virginia Sondergeld, Katharina Wrohlich
DIW aktuell ; 48 / 2020
In Zeiten der Corona-Krise zeigt sich: Bestimmte Berufsgruppen und Bereiche des öffentlichen und sozialen Lebens sind systemrelevant. 1 Die Mehrheit der als systemrelevant definierten Berufe weist jedoch außerhalb von Krisenzeiten ein geringes gesellschaftliches Ansehen und eine unterdurchschnittliche Bezahlung auf. Der Frauenanteil ist hingegen überdurchschnittlich. Dies gilt vor allem für die systemrelevanten ...
2020| Josefine Koebe, Claire Samtleben, Annekatrin Schrenker, Aline Zucco