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1902 Ergebnisse, ab 1
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    The obstinacy of gender stereotypes. Evidence from the Found-in-Translation Task

    The pursuit of science (especially exact sciences) is commonly associated with the male gender. This might have a lot of negative consequences, including discrimination and underrepresentation of female researchers at academia. We conduct two experiments with a series of conditions that make it gradually easier to avoid misattribution of gender of a female scholar. In a novel Found-in-Translation...

    04.06.2024| Patrycja Janowska-Widomska, University of Warsaw
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Perceiver Effects and Socioeconomic Background: Contrasting Parent-reports against Teacher-reports of Elementary School Students' Personality

    familial socioeconomic background can impact not only academic success, but also the personality of offspring. Yet, there is little evidence on whether it might influence how parents describe their children’s personality. To fill this gap, we used latent multitrait-multimethod (CTCM-1) models to examine familial socioeconomic background as possible predictor of parental perceiver effects regarding ...

    In: Journal of Personality Assessment (2024), im Ersch. [online first. 2023-12-06] | Emilija Meier-Faust, Rainer Watermann
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    SOEP-LEE2: Linking Surveys on Employees to Employers in Germany

    This article presents the new linked employee-employer study of the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP-LEE2), which offers new research opportunities for various academic fields. In particular, the study contains two waves of an employer survey for persons in dependent work that is also linkable to the SOEP, a large representative German annual household panel (SOEP-LEE2-Core). Moreover, SOEP-LEE2 includes ...

    In: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (2024), im Ersch. [Online first: 2023-07-25] | Wenzel Matiaske, Torben Dall Schmidt, Christoph Halbmeier, Martina Maas, Doris Holtmann, Carsten Schröder, Tamara Böhm, Stefan Liebig, Alexander S. Kritikos
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Codevelopment of Life Goals and the Big Five Personality Traits across Adulthood and Old Age

    Since the new millennium, research in the field of personality development has focused on the stability and change of basic personality traits. Motivational aspects of personality and their longitudinal association with basic traits have received comparably little attention. In this preregistered study, we applied bivariate latent growth curve model to investigated the codevelopment of nine life goals ...

    In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 126 (2024), 2, S. 346-368 | Laura Buchinger, Theresa Entringer, David Richter, Gert G. Wagner, Denis Gerstorf, Wiebke Bleidorn
  • SOEPpapers 1208 / 2024

    Early Childcare Expansion and Maternal Health

    This paper estimates the causal effect of increased availability of early childcare on maternal health. We focus on a substantial expansion of childcare for children under three years in West Germany from 2006 to 2019. By matching county-level childcare attendance rates with individual data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), we are able to quantify the effects of this expansion on maternal ...

    2024| Marina Krauß, Niklas Rott
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Patience, Risk-Taking, and Human Capital Investment Across Countries

    Patience and risk-taking—two preference components that steer intertemporal decision-making—are fundamental to human capital investment decisions. To understand how they contribute to international skill differences, we combine Programme for International Student Assessment tests with the Global Preference Survey. We find that opposing effects of patience (positive) and risk-taking (negative) together ...

    In: The Economic Journal 132 (2024), 646, S. 2290–2307 | Eric A. Hanushek, Lavinia Kinne, Philipp Lergetporer, Ludger Woessmann
  • Nicht-referierte Aufsätze

    Patience and the North-South Divide in Student Achievement in Italy and the United States

    In: EconPol Forum 25 (2024), 3, S. 53-56 | Eric A. Hanushek, Lavinia Kinne, Pietro Sancassani, Ludger Woessmann
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Trajectories of School Absences across Compulsory Schooling and Their Impact on Children’s Academic Achievement: An Analysis Based on Linked Longitudinal Survey and School Administrative Data

    Prior research has identified that school absences harm children’s academic achievement. However, this literature is focused on brief periods or single school years and does not consistently account for the dynamic nature of absences across multiple school years. This study examined dynamic trajectories of children’s authorised and unauthorised absences throughout their compulsory school career in ...

    In: PloS one 19 (2024), 8, e0306716, 15 S. | Jascha Dräger, Markus Klein, Edward M. Sosu
  • SOEPpapers 1209 / 2024

    Codevelopment of Life Goals and the Big Five Personality Traits Across Adulthood and Old Age

    Since the new millennium, research in the field of personality development has focused on the stability and change of basic personality traits. Motivational aspects of personality and their longitudinal association with basic traits have received comparably little attention. In this preregistered study, we applied bivariate latent growth curve modeling to investigate the codevelopment of nine life ...

    2024| Laura Buchinger, Theresa Entringer, David Richter, Gert G. Wagner, Denis Gerstorf, Wiebke Bleidorn
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Measuring Expenditure with a Mobile App: Do Probability-Based and Nonprobability Panels Differ?

    In this case study, we examine a novel aspect of data collected in a typical probability and a typical nonprobability panel: mobile app data. The data were collected in Great Britain in 2018, using the Innovation Panel of the UK Household Longitudinal Study and the Lightspeed online access panel. Respondents in each panel were invited to participate in a month-long study, reporting all their daily ...

    In: Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology (2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-06-25] | Annette Jäckle, Carina Cornesse, Alexander Wenz, Mick P. Couper
1902 Ergebnisse, ab 1