Karsten Neuhoff
Warschau, Polen,
| The Role, State and Future Development of EU ETS: Expert Meeting Organised by the Polish Ministry of Environment, National Center for Emissions Management and DIW Berlin
Karsten Neuhoff, Anne Schopp, Rodney Boyd, Kateryna Stelmakh, Alexander Vasa
Warschau, Polen,
| The Role, State and Future Development of EU ETS: Expert Meeting Organised by the Polish Ministry of Environment, National Center for Emissions Management and DIW Berlin
Karsten Neuhoff, Anne Schopp, Rodney Boyd, Kateryna Stelmakh, Alexander Vasa
A Toxa, Spanien,
- 26.06.2012| 5th Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics (AWEEE): Organized by Fundación Barrié, Economics for Energy and University of Vigo
Karsten Neuhoff
Florenz, Italien,
- 10.05.2012| The State of the Union: Conference of The European University Institute (EUI) and the Florence School of Regulation
Karsten Neuhoff
Wien, Österreich,
| Market Design of the Future: Workshop. Energie-Control Austria für die Regulierung der Elektrizitäts- und Erdgaswirtschaft
Karsten Neuhoff
| Transformation des Stromsystems auf dem Weg zur Regenerativwirtschaft: Energie-Kongress des Instituts für Zukunftsenergiesysteme
Michael Kohlhaas, Karsten Neuhoff
| Brown Bag Seminar of the Sustainability Cluster: Gegenleistungen für Vergünstigungen bei der Ökosteuer