Karsten Neuhoff
Warwick, Großbritannien,
- 13.09.2017| Clean Growth and Innovation in a Changing World: International Research Network For Low-Carbon Societies 9th Conference
Karsten Neuhoff
Wien, Österreich,
- 06.09.2017| Heading Towards Sustainable Energy Systems: Evolution or Revolution?: 15th IAEE European Conference
Karsten Neuhoff
Brüssel, Belgien,
| Public Hearing on the Future of the EU Electricity Market: European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies, Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)
Vera Zipperer, Karsten Neuhoff, Misato Sato
Athen, Griechenland,
- 01.07.2017| 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists: EAERE 2017
Olga Chiappinelli, Karsten Neuhoff
Cambridge, Großbritannien,
- 23.06.2017| Economic Theories and Low-Carbon Transformation Policies: 1st Workshop of CIRED, UCL and DIW Berlin
Karsten Neuhoff
Wien, Österreich,
- 17.02.2017| Klimaziele 2050: Chance für einen Paradigmenwechsel?: 10. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien - IEWT 2017