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Thema Gesundheit

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1537 Ergebnisse, ab 1091
  • Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 4 / 2014

    Pflegebedarfe und Pflegesettings: ein Vergleich formeller und informeller Pflege in ausgewählten europäischen Ländern

    Angesichts der Alterung der Bevölkerung rückt die adäquate Versorgung Hilfe- und Pflegebedürftiger immer stärker ins Blickfeld der öffentlichen Diskussion. Obwohl gegenwärtig in nahezu allen europäischen Staaten staatliche Pflegeleistungen gewährt werden, unterscheiden sie sich beträchtlich im Umfang und nach den Arten der gewährten Leistungen. Dieser Beitrag zeigt anhand von fünf ausgewählten Ländern, ...

    2014| Erika Schulz, Johannes Geyer
  • Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 4 / 2014

    Erfolge und Misserfolge in der Pflegeversicherung - ihre Weiterentwicklung bleibt notwendig: Editorial

    2014| Kornelia Hagen, Heinz Rothgang
  • SOEPpapers 721 / 2014

    Care for Money? Mortality Improvements, Increasing Intergenerational Transfers, and Time Devoted to the Elderly

    Background: After the reunification of Germany, mortality among older eastern Germans converged quickly with western German levels. Simultaneously, the pension benefits of eastern Germans rose tenfold. Objective: We make use of German reunification as a natural experiment to show that, first, increasing financial transfers from the elderly to their children led to increasing reverse transfers in the ...

    2014| Tobias C. Vogt, Fanny A. Kluge
  • SOEPpapers 720 / 2014

    Job Insecurity, Employability, and Health: An Analysis for Germany across Generations

    In this paper, we use 12 waves of the German Socio-Economic Panel to examine the relationship between job insecurity, employability and health-related well-being. Our results indicate that being unemployed has a strong negative effect on life satisfaction and health. They also, however, highlight the fact that this effect is most prominent among individuals over the age of 40. A second observation ...

    2014| Steffen Otterbach, Alfonso Sousa-Poza
  • SOEPpapers 718 / 2014

    Sick of Your Job? Negative Health Effects from Non-optimal Employment

    In an empirical study based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, the effect of job quality on individual health is analyzed. Extending previous studies methodologically to estimate unbiased effects of job satisfaction on individual health, it can be shown that low job satisfaction affects individual health negatively. In a second step, the underlying forces of this broad effect are disentangled. ...

    2014| Jan Kleibrink
  • SOEPpapers 716 / 2014

    Is It the Family or the Neighborhood? Evidence from Sibling and Neighbor Correlations in Youth Education and Health

    In this paper we present sibling and neighbor correlations in school grades and cognitive skills as well as indicators of physical and mental health for a sample of German adolescents. In a first step, we estimate sibling correlations and find substantial influence of shared family and community background on all outcomes. To further disentangle the influence of family background and neighborhood, ...

    2014| Elisabeth Bügelmayer, Daniel D. Schnitzlein
  • SOEPpapers 715 / 2014

    Unfair Pay and Health

    This paper investigates physiological responses to perceptions of unfair pay. We use an integrated approach exploiting complementarities between controlled lab and representative field data. In a simple principal-agent experiment agents produce revenue by working on a tedious task. Principals decide how this revenue is allocated between themselves and their agents. Throughout the experiment we record ...

    2014| Armin Falk, Fabian Kosse, Ingo Menrath, Pablo Emilio Verde, Johannes Siegrist
  • Externe Monographien

    Long-Term Care Insurance and Carers' Labor Supply: A Structural Model

    In Germany, individuals in need of long-term care receive support through benefits of the long-term care insurance. A central goal of the insurance is to support informal care provided by family members. Care recipients can choose between benefits in kind (formal home care services) and benefits in cash. From a budgetary perspective family care is a cost-saving alternative to formal home care and to ...

    Essen: RWI, 2014, 32 S.
    (Ruhr Economic Papers ; 515)
    | Johannes Geyer, Thorben Korfhage
  • SOEPpapers 710 / 2014

    Instrumental Variable Estimation of the Causal Effect of Hunger Early in Life on Health Later in Life

    We estimate average causal effects of early-life hunger on late-life health by applying instrumental variable estimation, using data with self-reported periods of hunger earlier in life, with famines as instruments. The data contain samples from European countries and include birth cohorts exposed to various famines in the 20th century. We use two-sample IV estimation to deal with imperfect recollection ...

    2014| Gerard J. van den Berg, Pia R. Pinger, Johannes Schoch
  • SOEPpapers 709 / 2014

    Transgenerational Effects of Childhood Conditions on Third Generation Health and Education Outcomes

    This paper examines the extent to which pre-puberty nutritional conditions in one generation affect productivity-related outcomes in later generations. Recent findings from the biological literature suggest that age 8-12 is a critical period for male germ cell development. We build on this evidence and investigate whether undernutrition at that age biologically transmits to children and grandchildren. ...

    2014| Gerard J. van den Berg, Pia R. Pinger
1537 Ergebnisse, ab 1091