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Thema Gesundheit

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1518 Ergebnisse, ab 1141
  • Externe Monographien

    Poverty and Transitions in Health

    Using a sample of Europeans aged 50+ from twelve countries in the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) we analyse the role of poor material conditions as a determinant of changes in health over a four-year period. We find that poverty defined with respect to relative incomes has no effect on changes in health. However, broader measures of poor material conditions such as subjective ...

    Bonn: IZA, 2013, 30 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 7532)
    | Maja Adena, Michal Myck
  • Externe Monographien

    Poverty and Transitions in Health

    Using a sample of Europeans aged 50+ from twelve countries in the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) we analyse the role of poor material conditions as a determinant of changes in health over a four-year period. We find that poverty defined with respect to relative incomes has no effect on changes in health. However, broader measures of poor material conditions such as subjective ...

    Berlin: WZB, 2013, 29 S.
    (Discussion Papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung ; SP II 2013-307)
    | Maja Adena, Michal Myck
  • SOEPpapers 569 / 2013

    Short- and Medium-Term Effects of Informal Care Provision on Health

    This paper estimates the effect of informal care provision on female caregiver's health. We use data from the German Socio-economic Panel and assess effects up to seven years after care provision. A simulation-based sensitivity analysis scrutinizes the sensitivity of the results with respect to potential deviations from the conditional independence assumption in the regression adjusted matching approach. ...

    2013| Hendrik Schmitz, Matthias Westphal
  • SOEPpapers 583 / 2013

    Health-Related Life Cycle Risks and Public Insurance

    This paper proposes a dynamic life cycle model of health risks, employment, early retirement, and wealth accumulation in order to analyze the health-related risks of consumption and old age poverty. In particular, the model includes a health process, the interaction between health and employment risks, and an explicit modeling of the German public insurance schemes. I rely on a dynamic programming ...

    2013| Daniel Kemptner
  • Diskussionspapiere 1320 / 2013

    Health-Related Life Cycle Risks and Public Insurance

    This paper proposes a dynamic life cycle model of health risks, employment, early retirement, and wealth accumulation in order to analyze the health-related risks of consumption and old age poverty. In particular, the model includes a health process, the interaction between health and employment risks, and an explicit modeling of the German public insurance schemes. I rely on a dynamic programming ...

    2013| Daniel Kemptner
  • Externe Monographien

    Four Essays on Causal Inference in Health Economics: Dissertation

    This cumulative dissertation consists of four papers. Each paper makes an independent contribution to the literature by investigating the impact of one particular factor on health. The first paper shows that job loss increases body weight (slightly) and the risk of starting smoking (considerably). The related second paper reveals that unemployment decreases the mental health of spouses almost as much ...

    Berlin: Technische Universität, 2013, XIII, 169 S. | Jan Marcus
  • Diskussionspapiere 1314 / 2013

    First Do No Harm. Then Do Not Cheat: DRG Upcoding in German Neonatology

    Since 2003 German hospitals are reimbursed according to diagnosis related groups (DRGs). Patient classification in neonatology is based inter alia on birth weight, with substantial discontinuities in reimbursement at eight different thresholds. These discontinuities create strong incentives to upcode preterm infants into classes of lower birth weight. Using data from the German birth statistics 1996 ...

    2013| Hendrik Jürges, Juliane Köberlein
  • Sonstige Publikationen des DIW / Aufsätze 2013

    Add-On Premiums Increase Price Transparency: More Policy Holders Switch Health Plans

    2013| Peter Eibich, Hendrik Schmitz, Nicolas Ziebarth
  • DIW Wochenbericht 24 / 2013

    Erwerbsminderungsrentner: sinkende Leistungen und wachsende Einkommensunterschiede im Alter

    Die Zahl der Zugänge in die Erwerbsminderungsrente ist nach Angaben der Deutschen Rentenversicherung seit den 90er Jahren stark gesunken. In den Jahren 2005 bis 2010 erfolgte ein leichter Wiederanstieg. Seit 2001 haben sich auch die Zahlbeträge bei den Zugängen zur Erwerbsminderungsrente verringert. Damit ist die materielle Absicherung bei Erwerbsminderung wieder in den Blickpunkt der sozialpolitischen ...

    2013| Peter Krause, Ulrike Ehrlich, Katja Möhring
  • DIW Wochenbericht 24 / 2013

    Armutsrisiko von Erwerbsminderungsrentnern hat deutlich zugenommen: Acht Fragen an Peter Krause

1518 Ergebnisse, ab 1141