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1. November 2019

Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

Incumbency Advantage: Theory and Possible Applications


1. November 2019
10:30 - 11:30


Anna J. Schwartz Room
Room 5.2.010
Mohrenstraße 58
10117 Berlin


Christoph Wolf, Bocconi University, Joanna Piechucka

Joanna and Christoph will do a joint IOBB to exchange ideas on a possible project on incumbency advantage and mergers in procurement auctions. In the first part of the seminar, they will discuss possible theoreotical explanations and consequences of incumbency advantage. This will open the floor for discussion on how data from procurement auctions in the French urban transport industry can be utilised to study jncumbency advantage. They will make use of a merger occurring in the middle of the data.


Joanna Piechucka, DIW Berlin and Christoph Wolf, Bocconi University

