Auf ihrer Ratssitzung im Januar beschloss die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) ein umfassendes Ankaufprogramm für Anleihen, insbesondere Staatsanleihen. Die Käufe sollen dazu dienen, die Inflationsrate und die Inflationserwartungen wieder bei knapp unter zwei Prozent zu verankern.Ob und unter welchen Bedingungen dies gelingen kann, erläutert Kerstin Bernoth im "Nachgeforscht"...
Countries with de jure floating exchange rate regimes are often reluctant to allow their currencies to float freely in practice. One reason why countries may wish to limit exchange rate volatility is potential negative balance sheet effects due to currency mismatches on the balance sheets of firms and households. In this paper, we show in a sample of 15 emerging market economies that countries with ...
This paper shows that bank liquidity regulation may be a "double-edged sword." Under certain conditions, it may hamper, rather than strengthen, a bank’s resilience to financial stress. The reason is the existence of two opposing effects of liquidity regulation, a liquidity effect and a solvency effect. The liquidity effect arises because a bank mitigates its risk of illiquidity when it increases its ...
The paper analyzes the integration of euro area sovereign bond markets during the European sovereign debt crisis. It tests for contagion (i.e., an intensification in the transmission of shocks across countries), fragmentation (a reduction in spillovers) and flight-to-quality patterns, exploiting the heteroskedasticity of intraday changes in bond yields for identification. The paper finds that euro ...