Thema Finanzmärkte

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601 Ergebnisse, ab 511
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    Fiscal Risk Sharing and Stabilization in the EMU

    In: George Christodoulakis (Ed.) , Managing Risks in the European Periphery Debt Crisis : Lessons from the Trade-off between Economics, Politics and the Financial Markets
    London: MacMillan
    S. 148-162
    | Kerstin Bernoth, Philipp Engler
  • Nicht-referierte Aufsätze

    Transaktionssteuer: Einführung ist ein politisches Signal

    In: Wirtschaftsdienst 95 (2015), 1, S. 5-6 | Alexander S. Kritikos, Christian Dreger
  • DIW Roundup 56 / 2015

    Die Debatte um die Einlagensicherung: Hintergründe und Perspektiven

    Am 6. November 2014 wurde die Umsetzung der Bankenunion mittels vier neuer Gesetze auch im Bundestag final besiegelt, nachdem sie zuvor bereits auf europäischer Ebene beschlossen wurde. Die Bankenunion ruht im Wesentlichen auf zwei Säulen: dem einheitlichen Aufsichtsmechanismus (SSM) und dem einheitlichen Abwicklungsmechanismus (SRM). Die Ausgestaltung der dritten Säule war bis zuletzt Gegenstand einer ...

    2015| Claudia Lambert
  • Diskussionspapiere 1448 / 2015

    Monetary Policy, Bank Bailouts and the Sovereign-Bank Risk Nexus in the Euro Area

    The paper analyses the empirical relationship between bank risk and sovereign credit risk in the euro area. Using structural VAR with daily financial markets data for 2003-13, the analysis confirms two-way causality between shocks to sovereign risk and bank risk, with the former being overall more important in explaining bank risk, than vice versa. The paper focuses specifically on the impact of non-standard ...

    2015| Marcel Fratzscher, Malte Rieth
  • Externe Monographien

    Monetary Policy, Bank Bailouts and the Sovereign-Bank Risk Nexus in the Euro Area

    The paper analyses the empirical relationship between bank risk and sovereign credit risk in the euro area. Using structural VAR with daily financial markets data for 2003-13, the analysis confirms two-way causality between shocks to sovereign risk and bank risk, with the former being overall more important in explaining bank risk, than vice versa. The paper focuses specifically on the impact of non-standard ...

    London: CEPR, 2015, 49 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Centre for Economic Policy Research ; 10370)
    | Marcel Fratzscher, Malte Rieth
  • DIW Roundup 55 / 2015

    Bubbles and Monetary Policy: To Burst or Not to Burst?

    The question of whether monetary policy should target asset prices remains a contentious issue. Prior to the 2007/08 financial crisis, central banks opted for a wait-and-see approach, remaining passive during the build-up of asset price bubbles but actively seeking to stabilize prices and output after they burst. The macroeconomic and financial turbulence that followed the subprime housing bubble has ...

    2015| Philipp König, David Pothier
  • Externe Monographien

    Capital Flow Management Measures: What Are They Good For?

    Are capital controls and macroprudential measures related to international exposures successful in achieving their objectives? Assessing their effectiveness is complicated by selection bias; countries which change their capital-flow management measures (CFMs) often share specific characteristics and are responding to changes in variables that the CFMs are intended to influence. This paper addresses ...

    Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2015, 55 S.
    (NBER Working Paper Series ; 20860)
    | Kristin Forbes, Marcel Fratzscher, Roland Straub
  • DIW Wochenbericht 25 / 2015

    Gründung der Asiatischen Infrastrukturbank: besser kooperieren statt konkurrieren: Kommentar

    2015| Christian Dreger
  • Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge

    Die schlechteste aller Lösungen

    In: Handelsblatt (16.06.2015), S. 48 | Marcel Fratzscher
  • DIW Roundup 66 / 2015

    The Debate about Financing Constraints of SMEs in Europe

    Small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) are highly dependent on bank financing, which is why they have been particularly hit by tighter credit conditions in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. Given that SMEs account for about 60% of value added and 70% of employment in the euro area, they are crucial for economic recovery. Consequently, several policy initiatives have been launched to alleviate ...

    2015| Franziska M. Bremus
601 Ergebnisse, ab 511