Die Bundesregierung will die Abzugsmöglichkeiten für die Fahrtkosten zur Arbeit bei der Einkommensteuer einschränken. Mit den Mehreinnahmen soll die auf 2004 vorgezogene letzte Stufe der Steuerreform teilweise gegenfinanziert werden. Nach den jüngsten Beschlüssen der Regierungsfraktionen vom 23. September 2003 soll die Entfernungspauschale von 2004 an auf einheitlich 0,15 Euro je Entfernungskilometer ...
This paper analyzes voting on a linear income tax which is redistributed lump sum to the taxpayers. Individuals can evade taxes, which leads to penalties if evasion is detected. Since preferences satisfy neither single peakedness nor single crossing, an equilibrium may not exist. When it does exist, it may have interesting properties, in particular, the poor and the rich may form a coalition against ...
This note studies the choice of tax structure in a majority voting model with tax competition. Regions may tax mobile capital or immobile labor. Individuals differ with respect to their relative endowments of labor and capital. Even though a lump sum tax is available, the equilibrium capital tax in a jurisdiction may be positive. In a symmetric equilibrium, this will be true if the median capital endowment ...
A first systematic, model-based analysis of the environmental fiscal reform in Germany is undertaken with an econometric model and an empirical general equilibrium model. It indicates moderate but slightly positive effects on employment, energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The influence on economic growth is very low; employment is growing slightly, while energy consumption and CO2 emissions are ...