Es gibt Anzeichen für einen Steuerwettbewerb zwischen den Nationalstaaten um mobile Produktionsfaktoren: Viele OECD-Länder haben über einen längeren Zeitraum die Steuersätze auf Unternehmens- und Kapitaleinkommen sowie diejenigen auf hohe Arbeitseinkommen gesenkt. Insgesamt lässt sich im Vergleich der hier ausgewählten Länder allerdings eine systematische Aushöhlung oder ein Bedeutungsverlust der direkten ...
This paper presents the first comprehensive, model-based impact analysis of the German environmental fiscal reform, addressing the effects on CO2 emissions, economic growth, employment, and personal income distribution. Both an econometric input-output model and a dynamic computable general equilibrium model are applied in order to enhance the credibility of our results. The macroeconomic results are ...
In theory, the incidence of a tax should be independent of the side of the market on which it is levied. This principle of liability-side equivalence underlies virtually all theories of tax incidence. Policy discussions, however, tend to place great emphasis on the legal division of tax payments. We use computerized experimental posted-offer markets to test liability-side equivalence. We find that ...
This paper shows that stricter enforcement may increase tax evasion. Individuals vote on a linear income tax which is used to finance lump sum transfers. Stricter enforcement may make redistributive taxation more attractive to the decisive voter. The tax rate and transfer may rise which in turn may increase tax evasion. An example shows that this result can actually occur. The paper also discusses ...