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Thema Steuern

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554 Ergebnisse, ab 431
  • SOEPpapers 52 / 2007

    Erbschaftsteuerreform: gleichmäßige Vermögenserfassung und niedrigere Steuersätze statt selektiver Besteuerung

    Die Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer muss grundlegend reformiert werden. Grund- und Betriebsvermögen sollen nach dem Ertragswertverfahren bewertet werden. Das bedeutet eine deutliche Annäherung an die Verkehrswerte, macht jedoch das Besteuerungsverfahren aufwändiger und streitanfälliger. Ein moderater Freibetrag für Betriebsvermögen sowie Stundungsregelungen für die Steuerbelastung reichen aus, um Probleme ...

    2007| Stefan Bach, Henriette Houben, Ralf Maiterth, Jürgen Schupp
  • SOEPpapers 44 / 2007

    Introducing Family Tax Splitting in Germany: How Would It Affect the Income Distribution, Work Incentives and Household Welfare?

    We analyze the effects of three alternative proposals to reform the taxation of families relative to the current German system of joint taxation of couples and child allowances: a French-type family splitting and two full family splitting proposals. The empirical analysis of the effects of these proposals on the income distribution and on work incentives is based on a behavioral micro-simulation model ...

    2007| Viktor Steiner, Katharina Wrohlich
  • Diskussionspapiere 737 / 2007

    Optimal Taxation: The Design of Child Related Cash- and In-Kind-Benefits

    This paper contributes to the debate about the optimal design of tax-transfer systems. Based on the theory of optimal taxation, combined with microsimulation and microeconometric techniques we derive the welfare function which makes the current German tax and transfer system for single women optimal. Furthermore, we compare the welfare function conditional on the presence and age of children and assess ...

    2007| Peter Haan, Katharina Wrohlich
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Fiscal Competition and the Composition of Public Spending: Theory and Evidence

    We consider fiscal competition between jurisdictions. Capital taxes are used to finance a public input and two public goods: one that benefits mobile skilled workers and one that benefits immobile unskilled workers. We derive the jurisdictions' reaction functions for different spending categories. We then estimate these reaction functions using data from German communities. Thereby we explicitly allow ...

    In: Finanzarchiv 63 (2007), 2, S. 264-277 | Rainald Borck, Marco Caliendo, Viktor Steiner
  • Diskussionspapiere 717 / 2007

    How Should Local Governments Tax Local Business? Lessons from an International Comparison and a Microsimulation Analysis for Germany

    The local business tax as the main revenue source of local governments in Germany has been under extensive debate for decades. Proposals for reform range from a broad tax base in the sense of an origin-based value-added tax to a pure profit tax that could be implemented as a surcharge on corporation and personal income tax. Local business taxation systems in OECD countries actually represent the whole ...

    2007| Frank M. Fossen, Stefan Bach
  • Externe Monographien

    As SIMPL as That: Introducing a Tax-Benefit Microsimulation Model for Poland

    Bonn: IZA, 2007, 51 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 2988)
    | Olivier Bargain, Leszek Morawski, Michal Myck, Mieczyslaw Socha
  • Externe Monographien

    Intertemporal Labor Supply and Involuntary Unemployment

    Bonn: IZA, 2007, 32 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 2888)
    | Peter Haan, Arne Uhlendorff
  • Weitere referierte Aufsätze

    Distributive Effekte der deutschen Abgeltungssteuer auf Kapitaleinkünfte

    In: Schmollers Jahrbuch 127 (2007), 2, S. 297-314 | Michael Broer
  • Nicht-referierte Aufsätze

    Erbschaftsteuer: gleichmäßige Vermögenserfassung

    In: Wirtschaftsdienst 87 (2007), 7, S. 422 | Stefan Bach
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Voting, Inequality and Redistribution

    This paper surveys models of voting on redistribution. Under reasonable assumptions, the baseline model produces an equilibrium with the extent of redistributive taxation chosen by the median income earner. If the median is poorer than average, redistribution is from rich to poor, and increasing inequality increases redistribution. However, under different assumptions about the economic environment, ...

    In: Journal of Economic Surveys 21 (2007), 1, S. 90-109 | Rainald Borck
554 Ergebnisse, ab 431