We examine the effect of local business taxation and local public good and service (PIGS) provision on the number and spatial distribution of new firms. Testing ground is Germany and we rely on the universe of firm foundations between 1998 and 2006. Methodologically, we estimate fixed effects poisson models coupled with a control function approach. The results suggest that a 1%-decrease in the business ...
“Sin taxes” are high on the political agenda in the global fight against obesity. Ac- cording to theory, they are welfare improving if consumers with low self-control are at least as price responsive as consumers with high self-control, even in the absence of ex- ternalities. In this paper, we investigate if consumers with low and high self-control react differently to sin tax variation. For identification, ...
While in January 2012, Denmark increased the long-standing tax on sugary soft drinks, the tax was cut byhalf in July 2013 and then completely repealed in January 2014. In this study, we examine whetherincreases and cuts of the soft drink tax lead to similar over- or under-shifting to prices and to similardemand responses. We use longitudinal scanner data of 1,282 Danish households to estimate within-product ...
Die Corona-Pandemie führt voraussichtlich zur heftigsten Rezession seit der Weltwirtschaftskrise ab 1930. Die Steuerpolitik kann maßgeblich zu ihrer Milderung und Bewältigung beitragen. So können Erleichterungen bei Abschreibungen und Verlustverrechnung die Unternehmen bei der Wiederbelebung des Wirtschaftslebens unterstützen. Eine temporäre Mehrwertsteuersenkung stärkt den privaten Konsum, soweit ...
Ein Realsplitting wie bei Geschiedenen oder eine Individualbesteuerung mit übertragbarem Grundfreibetrag sind traditionelle Reformoptionen für das Ehegattensplitting. Ihr Nachteil ist, dass sie die Grenzbelastungen des Einkommens von zweitverdienenden PartnerInnen kaum reduzieren und somit die Erwerbsbeteiligung von verheirateten Frauen nur wenig fördern. Ein weiterer Reformvorschlag sind Zusatzfreibeträge ...
Two traditional options for reforming Ehegattensplitting, the joint taxation of married couples with full income splitting, are de facto income splitting (Realsplitting) or individual taxation with a transferable personal allowance. However, these proposals do not significantly reduce the marginal tax burden on the secondary earner’s income and therefore only minimally encourage married women to participate ...