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Thema Geldpolitik

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523 Ergebnisse, ab 411
  • Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge

    Warum die Zinsen niedrig bleiben müssen

    In: Der Spiegel (10.06.2017), [Online-Artikel] | Marcel Fratzscher
  • Externe Monographien

    Booms and Busts in Asset Prices: Risk Modeling, Bubble Detection, and the Role of Monetary Policy

    Berlin: FU Berlin, 2017, XLI, 167 S. | Benjamin Beckers
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Capital Taxation and Government Debt Policy with Public Discounting

    This paper characterizes capital taxation and public debt policy in a quantitative macroeconomic model with an impatient government and uncertainty. The government has access to linear taxes on capital and labor, and to non-state-contingent bonds. Government impatience generates positive and empirically realistic long-run levels of both capital taxes and public debt. Prior predictive analysis shows ...

    In: Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 85 (2017), S. 1-20 | Malte Rieth
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 49 / 2017

    Early Exit from ECB Bond Purchase Program Could Reduce GDP Growth and Inflation

    The European Central Bank is planning a gradual reduction of government bond purchases under the asset purchase program it initiated in 2015. The present study by the German Institute for Economic Research analyzes the potential macroeconomic implications of different exit strategies. The authors examined the potential effects of a reduction in net purchase volume, an early exit, and a faster exit ...

    2017| Marius Clemens, Stefan Gebauer, Malte Rieth
  • DIW Wochenbericht 49 / 2017

    Frühzeitiger Ausstieg der EZB aus dem Anleihekaufprogramm dürfte Wachstum und Inflation bremsen

    Die Europäische Zentralbank will ihr 2015 gestartetes Ankaufprogramm von Staatsanleihen schrittweise zurückfahren. Welche gesamtwirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen die unterschiedlichen Ausstiegsmöglichkeiten haben könnten, zeigt eine Studie des DIW Berlin. Untersucht wird, wie sich eine Reduktion des Ankaufvolumens, ein frühzeitiger Ausstieg und ein schnellerer Ausstieg aus dem Ankaufprogramm auf das BIP-Wachstum ...

    2017| Marius Clemens, Stefan Gebauer, Malte Rieth
  • DIW Wochenbericht 49 / 2017

    Banken und Bitcoin: Vernetzung muss verhindert werden: Kommentar

    2017| Dorothea Schäfer
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Long-Term Growth Perspectives in Japan and the Euro Area

    Euro area countries and Japan are confronted with similar challenges. Potential output is on a declining trend in the Euro area, and the decrease started well before the financial crisis. In Japan, low-output growth is a striking feature since many years, despite the unconventional monetary policy stance and numerous fiscal stimulus programs provided by the government. According to a growth accounting ...

    In: Asia Europe Journal 15 (2017), 4, S. 363-375 | Christian Dreger
  • Zeitungs- und Blogbeiträge

    Deutsche Doppelmoral

    In: Handelsblatt (29.05.2017), [Online-Artikel] | Marcel Fratzscher
  • DIW Wochenbericht 20 / 2017

    Für eine offene und fundierte Debatte über Eurobonds: Kommentar

    2017| Philipp Engler
  • Diskussionspapiere 1661 / 2017

    Long Term Growth Perspectives in Japan and the Euro Area

    Euro area countries and Japan are confronted with similar challenges. Potential output is on a falling trend in the euro area, and the decrease started well before the financial crisis. In Japan, low output growth is a striking feature since many years, despite the unconventional monetary policy stance and massive fiscal stimulus programs provided by the government. According to a growth accounting ...

    2017| Christian Dreger
523 Ergebnisse, ab 411