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Thema Geldpolitik

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523 Ergebnisse, ab 471
  • DIW Wochenbericht 44 / 2015

    Der Ölpreis spielt für den Wechselkurs des Rubels eine viel wichtigere Rolle als Sanktionen: Sieben Fragen an Konstantin Kholodilin

  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Unconventional Monetary Policy and Money Demand

    This paper investigates the usefulness of the money demand relationship in times of unconventional monetary policies by cointegration methods. Our empirical evidence shows the existence of stable long run money demand functions even in the period of interest rates near the zero bound, both for the US economy and the euro area. Evidence is based on standard monetary aggregates, i.e. MZM for the US and ...

    In: Journal of Macroeconomics 46 (2015), S. 40-54 | Christian Dreger, Jürgen Wolters
  • DIW Roundup 75 / 2015

    Monetary Policy and the Risk-Taking Channel

    Before the 2007 crisis, the trade-off between output and inflation played a leading role in the discussion of monetary policy. Instead, issues relating to financial stability played a less pronounced role in shaping the stance of monetary policy andwere limited to asset price dynamics. This Round-Up argues that the great interest that emerged after the 2007 crisis in the effects of monetary policy ...

    2015| Michele Piffer
  • Diskussionspapiere 1496 / 2015

    The Real-Time Predictive Content of Asset Price Bubbles for Macro Forecasts

    This paper contributes to the debate of whether central banks can "lean against the wind" of emerging stock or house price bubbles. Against this background, the paper evaluates if new advances in real-time bubble detection, as brought forward by Phillips et al. (2011), can timely detect bubble emergences and collapses. Building on simulations, the paper shows that the detection capabilities of all ...

    2015| Benjamin Beckers
  • DIW Wochenbericht 27 / 2015

    Über die Krise zur Einheit? 25 Jahre monetärer Integrationsprozess in Europa

    Am 1. Juli 1990 wurde mit dem Wegfall der Kapitalverkehrskontrollen in der Europäischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft die erste Stufe auf dem Weg zum Euro genommen. Der Weg dorthin war auch durch einen Kompromiss zwischen zwei Denkschulen gekennzeichnet – derjenigen, die davon ausging, dass der Schaffung der Zentralbank die weitergehende ökonomische Konvergenz und politische Integration folgen würde, und ...

    2015| Ferdinand Fichtner, Philipp König
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 27 / 2015

    A Stronger Union through Crisis? 25 Years of Monetary Integration in Europe

    On July 1, 1990, when capital controls in the European Economic Community were removed, the path was paved for the introduction of the euro. This path was marked by a compromise between two schools of thought—those who assumed that the creation of the European Central Bank would be followed by greater economic convergence and political integration, and those who saw the single currency as the coronation ...

    2015| Ferdinand Fichtner, Philipp König
  • DIW Berlin - Politikberatung kompakt 99 / 2015

    Quantitative Easing - What Are the Side Effects on Income and Wealth Distribution: In-Depth Analysis

    2015| Kerstin Bernoth, Philipp J. König, Benjamin Beckers, Caterina Forti Grazzini
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 13 / 2015

    Unchartered Territory: Large-Scale Asset Purchases by the European Central Bank

    The European Central Bank (ECB) decided at its Council meeting in January to implement a comprehensive program to purchase bonds, including euro area government bonds. The purchases are intended to anchor the rate of inflation and inflation expectations at below but close to two percent again. Given the lack of experience with this unconventional monetary policy instrument, the ECB is venturing into ...

    2015| Kerstin Bernoth, Philipp König, Carolin Raab, Marcel Fratzscher
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 13 / 2015

    ECB Bond Purchases: No Panacea for Deflation: Seven Questions to Kerstin Bernoth and Philipp König

  • DIW Wochenbericht 13 / 2015

    Unbekanntes Terrain: Anleihekäufe der Europäischen Zentralbank

    Auf ihrer Ratssitzung im Januar beschloss die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) ein umfassendes Ankaufprogramm für Anleihen, insbesondere Staatsanleihen. Die Käufe sollen dazu dienen, die Inflationsrate und die Inflationserwartungen wieder bei knapp unter zwei Prozent zu verankern. Angesichts der nur geringen Erfahrungen mit diesem unkonventionellen geldpolitischen Instrument wagt sich die EZB damit auf ...

    2015| Kerstin Bernoth, Philipp König, Carolin Raab, Marcel Fratzscher
523 Ergebnisse, ab 471