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Thema Geldpolitik

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1402 Ergebnisse, ab 51
  • Externe Monographien

    Five Essays in Macroeconomics

    Heterogeneous-Agent New Keynesian models (HANK)---which replace the representative household by a whole distribution of households---are the about to become the new state-off-the-art model of modern monetary economics because they allow for more realistic consumption patterns of households and a rich description of income and wealth distributions. This PhD thesis contributes to the ongoing advancements ...

    Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, 2024, XXV, 261 S. | Fabian Seyrich
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Where Do They Care? The ECB in the Media and Inflation Expectations

    This paper examines how news coverage of the European Central Bank (ECB) affects consumer inflation expectations in the four largest euro area countries. Utilizing a unique dataset of multilingual European news articles, we measure the impact of ECB-related inflation news on inflation expectations. Our results indicate that German and Italian consumers are more attentive to this news, whereas in Spain ...

    In: Applied Economics Letters (2024), im Ersch. [Online first: 2023-12-13] | Vegard Høghaug Larsen, Nicolò Maffei-Faccioli, Laura Pagenhardt
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Global Risk and the Dollar

    The dollar is a safe-haven currency and appreciates when global risk goes up. We investigate the dollar’s role for the transmission of global risk to the world economy within a Bayesian proxy structural vector autoregressive model. We identify global risk shocks using high-frequency asset-price surprises around narratively selected events. Global risk shocks appreciate the dollar, induce tighter global ...

    In: Journal of Monetary Economics 144 (2024), 103549, 12 S. | Georgios Georgiadis, Gernot J. Müller, Ben Schumann
  • DIW Wochenbericht 26 / 2024

    Zunehmende Bereitschaft für Devisenmarktinterventionen zeigt Wandel der internationalen Finanzarchitektur

    Die Phase zunehmender Globalisierung scheint mit der weltweiten Finanzkrise im Jahr 2008 zu Ende gegangen sein, was sich nicht nur im sinkenden Welthandel relativ zur Wertschöpfung ausdrückt. Auch in der internationalen Finanzarchitektur ist dieser Trend zu beobachten. Hier zeigt er sich in der zunehmenden Bereitschaft, mit Devisenmarktinterventionen auf Wechselkurse einzuwirken. Immer mehr Länder ...

    2024| Lukas Menkhoff
  • DIW Wochenbericht 26 / 2024

    Bereitschaft zu Devisenmarktinterventionen ist in den letzten 20 Jahren gestiegen: Interview

    2024| Lukas Menkhoff, Erich Wittenberg
  • DIW Wochenbericht 26 / 2024

    Sollten wir uns auf dauerhaft höhere Zinsen einstellen? Kommentar

    2024| Guido Baldi
  • Diskussionspapiere 2089 / 2024

    Friend, Not Foe - Energy Prices and European Monetary Policy

    This paper first shows that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the European Central Bank (ECB) can influence global energy prices. Second, through Lucas critique-robust counterfactual analysis, we uncover that the ECB’s ability to affect fast-moving energy prices plays an important role in the transmission of monetary policy. Third, we empirically document that, to optimally fulfill its primary mandate, ...

    2024| Gökhan Ider, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Frederik Kurcz, Ben Schumann
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Weather-Related Disasters and Inflation in the Euro Area

    This article investigates the impact of weather-related disasters on inflation in the euro area over the period 1996–2021. Using a panel structural vector autoregression approach, we explore whether weather-related disasters have a significant and persistent effect on inflation, as well as the role that demand-side and supply-side channels play as drivers of inflation. We also analyse the heterogeneous ...

    In: Journal of Banking & Finance 169 (2024), 107298, 13 S. | John Beirne, Yannis Dafermos, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Nuobu Renzhi, Ulrich Volz, Jana Wittich
  • DIW Wochenbericht 42 / 2024

    Geldpolitik in Zeiten der Energiepreiskrise: EZB hätte Inflation frühzeitiger eindämmen können

    In der Zeit nach der Corona-Pandemie sah sich die Europäische Zentralbank (EZB) einem beispiellosen Anstieg der Energiepreise gegenüber. Dieser führte zu einer Konsumentenpreisinflation im Euroraum von zeitweise über zehn Prozent, weit über dem EZB-Inflationsziel von zwei Prozent. Gleichzeitig war die Wirtschaft im Euroraum von einer Rezession bedroht, was einen Zielkonflikt zwischen Konjunkturstabilisierung ...

    2024| Gökhan Ider, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Frederik Kurcz, Ben Schumann
  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Active or Passive? Revisiting the Role of Fiscal Policy during High Inflation

    We investigate the interplay of the monetary–fiscal policy mix during times of crisis by drawing insights from the Great Inflation of the 1960s and 1970s. We use a Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) algorithm to estimate a DSGE model with three distinct monetary/fiscal policy regimes. We show that, in such a model, SMC outperforms standard sampling algorithms because it is better suited to deal with multimodal ...

    In: European Economic Review 170 (2024), 104874, 16 S. | Stephanie Ettmeier, Alexander Kriwoluzky
1402 Ergebnisse, ab 51