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223 Ergebnisse, ab 181
  • DIW Wochenbericht 21 / 2015

    Marktstabilitätsreserve stärkt den europäischen Emissionshandel

    Der europäische Emissionshandel soll Emissionen von Treibhausgasen vermindern und Investitionen in klimafreundliche Technologien unterstützen. Allerdings können mehrere Markthemmnisse dazu führen, dass der Emissionshandel aufgrund der großen Überschüsse an Emissionszertifikaten eine kosteneffiziente Entwicklung der Emissionsminderung nur eingeschränkt unterstützt. Die Europäische Kommission hat daher ...

    2015| Karsten Neuhoff, William Acworth, Anne Schopp
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 19 / 2015

    Using Equity Capital to Unlock Investment in Building Energy Efficiency?

    The energy transition will require considerable increases in energy efficiency, particularly in residential buildings. Financial support mechanisms, information and adviceprograms and dedicated training and certification of craftsmen are already in place to stimulate energy efficiency investment. Nevertheless, the required annual rate of thermal building refurbishment of around two percent is so far ...

    2015| Claus Michelsen, Karsten Neuhoff, Anne Schopp
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 19 / 2015

    Investment in Building Energy Efficiency: Climate Fund to Increase Rate of Refurbishment: Six Questions to Karsten Neuhoff

  • Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science

    Sectors under Scrutiny: Evaluation of Indicators to Assess the Risk of Carbon Leakage in the UK and Germany

    One of the central debates surrounding the design of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme is the approach to address carbon leakage concerns. Correctly identifying the economic activities exposed to the risk of carbon leakage represents the first step in mitigating the risk effectively. This paper assesses the robustness of the quantitative assessment criteria used by the European Commission ...

    In: Environmental & Resource Economics 60 (2015), 1, S. 99-124 | Misato Sato, Karsten Neuhoff, Verena Graichen, Katja Schumacher, Felix Matthes
  • DIW Wochenbericht 19 / 2015

    Beteiligungskapital als Option für mehr Investitionen in die Gebäudeenergieeffizienz?

    Die Energiewende erfordert erhebliche Steigerungen der Energieeffizienz vor allem in Wohngebäuden. Um die Investitionstätigkeit zu steigern, gibt es bereits zahlreiche Förderinstrumente, Kampagnen und in erheblichem Umfang öffentliche Fördermittel. Gleichwohl wird die notwendige jährliche Sanierungsrate von rund zwei Prozent derzeit nicht erreicht. Ein möglicher Grund könnte darin liegen, dass die ...

    2015| Claus Michelsen, Karsten Neuhoff, Anne Schopp
  • DIW Wochenbericht 19 / 2015

    Politik und Investoren gefordert um Energetische Sanierungen zu steigern: Sechs Fragen an Karsten Neuhoff

  • DIW Roundup 59 / 2015

    The Market Stability Reserve: Is Europe Serious about the Energy Union?

    The European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) has been implemented to provide a common climate policy instrument across European Union countries, to contribute to a credible investment perspective for low-carbon investors and support further European integration of energy markets. Thus the EU ETS is a key element of the European Energy Union.However, given the accumulation of a large surplus ...

    2015| William Acworth, Nils May, Karsten Neuhoff
  • Externe Monographien

    Is a Market Stability Reserve Likely to Improve the Functioning of the EU ETS? Evidence from a Model Comparison Exercise

    In January 2014 the European Commission proposed the introduction of a Market Stability Reserve (MSR) to improve the functioning of the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). According to the European Commission, the MSR is designed to adjust the EU ETS to supply-demand imbalances and protect the system from unexpected and sudden demand shocks and by doing so, ensure an efficient abatement ...

    London: Climate Strategies, 2015, VIII, 30 S. | Karsten Neuhoff, William Acworth, Regina Betz, Dallas Burtraw, Johanna Cludius, Harrison Fell, Cameron Hepburn, Charles Holt, Frank Jotzo, Sascha Kollenberg, Florian Landis, Stephen Salant, Anne Schopp, William Shobe, Luca Taschini, Raphael Trotignon
  • Externe Monographien

    The EU’s 2030 Climate and Energy Framework and Energy Security

    London: Climate Strategies, 2014, 32 S. | Oliver Sartor, Thomas Spencer, Istvan Bart, Pierre-Emanuel Julia, Aleksandra Gawlikowska-Fyk, Karsten Neuhoff, Sophia Rüster, Adrienn Selei, Aleksander Szpor, Borbala Toth, Andreas Tuerk
  • Externe Monographien

    Including Consumption in the EU ETS: Administrative Implementation of a Consumption Based Charge

    The “Inclusion of Consumption in EU ETS” is currently gaining traction as a new approach to address carbon leakage and improve the effectiveness of the EU ETS, within legal and political constraints. It complements the current approach of coverage of emissions by upstream installations where trade exposed sectors at risk of leakage, such as steel and clinker, receive free allowances. In order to ensure ...

    London: Climate Strategies, 2014, 26, 2 S.
    (Working Paper / Climate Strategies)
    | William Acworth, Manuel Haussner, Roland Ismer, Karsten Neuhoff
223 Ergebnisse, ab 181