DIW Weekly Report 43 / 2021
To reach the climate targets, the course towards a climate-neutral society must be set now. However, the current monitoring instruments in the Climate Change Act do not provide sufficient information to policymakers and society on the effectiveness of policy instruments and programs, as they focus exclusively on greenhouse gas reduction targets, which are subject to uncertainty. Moreover, they only ...
2021| Daniela Fietze, Mats Kröger, Thorsten Müller, Karsten Neuhoff
DIW Weekly Report 32 / 2021
To limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, it is necessary for industrialized countries to support developing countries financially. The channels and mechanisms under which this support would be provided are known as International Climate Finance. Building upon expert interviews with a focus on the industrial sector, this report analyses the different areas of International Climate Finance and ...
2021| Heiner von Lüpke, Charlotte Aebischer, Karsten Neuhoff
DIW Wochenbericht 32 / 2021
Um das Ziel zu erreichen, die Erderwärmung auf maximal 1,5 Grad zu begrenzen, ist es notwendig, dass Industriestaaten Entwicklungsländer finanziell unterstützen. Die vertraglichen Bedingungen, unter denen diese Unterstützung geleistet wird, werden als Internationale Klimafinanzierung bezeichnet. Aufbauend auf Experteninterviews mit Fokus auf den Industriesektor analysiert dieser Beitrag die verschiedenen ...
2021| Heiner von Lüpke, Charlotte Aebischer, Karsten Neuhoff
DIW Wochenbericht 32 / 2021
2021| Heiner von Lüpke, Erich Wittenberg
Externe Monographien
European Union,
222 S.
| [Xavier Le Den, Hubert Fallmann, Benjamin Görlach, Roland Ismer, Karsten Neuhoff, Jan Stede, Jacob Steinmann]
DIW Weekly Report 26 / 2021
For Europe to reach climate neutrality by mid-century, it needs to move toward a circular economy. Waste avoidance, reuse, and recycling save primary resources and avoid emissions in the production of basic materials like steel, cement, and plastics. Without exploring circular economy potentials, switching production to climate-neutral processes alone would result in significant costs and tremendous ...
2021| Xi Sun, Frederik Lettow, Karsten Neuhoff
DIW Wochenbericht 26 / 2021
Deutschland will bis 2045, Europa bis 2050 klimaneutral werden. Um dieser Herausforderung begegnen zu können, ist es erforderlich, sich stärker in Richtung einer Kreislaufwirtschaft zu orientieren: Abfallvermeidung, Wiederverwendung und Recycling helfen dabei, primäre Ressourcen und die Emissionen bei der Produktion von Grundstoffen wie Stahl, Zement und Kunststoff einzusparen. Ohne dies, allein durch ...
2021| Xi Sun, Frederik Lettow, Karsten Neuhoff
DIW Wochenbericht 26 / 2021
2021| Karsten Neuhoff, Erich Wittenberg
DIW Weekly Report 10 / 2021
The European Commission is facing the challenge and opportunity of implementing the Green Deal while simultaneously initiating the recovery of the economy following the coronavirus crisis. Investments in the basic materials industry’s transition to climate neutrality play a central role in this, as the sector is responsible for 16 percent of the EU’s CO2 emissions and is key to downstream value chains. ...
2021| Karsten Neuhoff, Olga Chiappinelli, Mats Kröger, Frederik Lettow, Jörn Richstein, Franziska Schütze, Jan Stede, Xi Sun
Diskussionspapiere 1948 / 2021
To reach climate neutrality, carbon emissions from the production of basic materials need to be significantly reduced. For governments’ support measures to be consistent with their World Trade Organization obligations, they need to be compatible with the WTO’s Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (ASCM). This paper analyzes the ASCM consistency of three selected support schemes, namely: ...
2021| Roland Ismer, Harro van Asselt, Jennifer Haverkamp, Michael Mehling, Karsten Neuhoff, Alice Pirlot