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By developing a taxonomy for sustainable investments, the EU Commission has created the first standardized criteria for climate-friendly economic activities.To achieve the goal of climate neutrality by 2050, firms and investors must be well informed of which investments avoid greenhouse gas emis- sions and can thus be categorized as sustainable. The present report investigates to what extent the EU ...
Mit einer Taxonomie für nachhaltige Investitionen schafft die EU-Kommission erstmals einheitliche Kriterien für klimaverträgliche Wirtschaftsaktivitäten. Um das Ziel der Klimaneutralität bis 2050 zu erreichen, soll Unternehmen und Investoren damit Orientierung gegeben werden, welche Investitionen mit der Vermeidung von Treibhausgasemissionen im Einklang stehen und als nachhaltig eingestuft werden können. ...
The EU Taxonomy is the first standardised and comprehensive classification system for sustainable economic activities. It covers activities responsible for up to 80 percent of EU greenhouse gas emissions and may play an important role in channelling investments into low-carbon technologies by helping investors to make informed decisions. However, especially in transition sectors much depends on the ...
A range of studies has analysed how climate-related risks can impact financial markets, focusing on equity and corporate bond holdings. This article takes a closer look at transition risks and opportunities in residential mortgages. Mortgage loans are important from a financial perspective due to their large share in banks’ assets and their long credit lifetime, and from a climate perspective due to ...