Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
We investigate the effects of a climatic shock on individuals’ tax deduction and tax payable patterns, alongside their income dynamics. Using individual-level annual tax return data and exploiting the 2010–2011 Queensland Floods in Australia as a natural experiment, we find that the floods affect different income groups differently. They also lead to persistent higher tax deductions for high-income ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
128 (2024), 103044, 18 S.
| Merve Kucuk, Mehmet Ulubasoglu
DIW Weekly Report 27 / 2024
Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 65 percent compared to 1990 by 2030 to achieve national climate targets. Nearly one third of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany are caused by private household consumption. Using Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) data, this Weekly Report calculates the amount of CO2 equivalents emitted by households due to residential energy use, nutrition, and transport in Germany. ...
2024| Sandra Bohmann, Merve Küçük
DIW Wochenbericht 27 / 2024
Um die deutschen Klimaziele zu erreichen, müssen die Treibhausgasemissionen bis zum Jahr 2030 um 65 Prozent im Vergleich zu 1990 reduziert werden. Fast ein Drittel dieser Emissionen wird in Deutschland durch den Konsum privater Haushalte verursacht. Auf Basis des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) werden die CO2-Emissionsäquivalente von Haushalten in Deutschland aus drei wichtigen Bereichen errechnet: ...
2024| Sandra Bohmann, Merve Küçük
DIW Wochenbericht 27 / 2024
2024| Merve Küçük, Erich Wittenberg
Diskussionspapiere 2092 / 2024
Public support systems and private investments in renewable energy are increasingly existing side-by-side and are both emphasized in policy proposals on the European and national levels. This paper assesses the interaction between the two approaches with respect to cream-skimming, i.e., the potential for low-cost projects to sign private contracts that increase the costs of publicly supported renewable ...
2024| Mats Kröger
DIW Wochenbericht 28 / 2024
Nachhaltige Finanztaxonomien wie die Taxonomie der Europäischen Union (EU) können den Übergang zur Klimaneutralität unterstützen. Als Klassifizierungssysteme sollen sie Transparenz und Orientierung bieten, wie Finanzströme in nachhaltige und klimaschonende Aktivitäten gelenkt werden können. In diesem Wochenbericht werden nachhaltige Taxonomien in 26 Ländern und Regionen weltweit anhand von fünf Kriterien ...
2024| Catherine Marchewitz, Franziska Schütze, Fernanda Ballesteros
DIW Wochenbericht 28 / 2024
2024| Catherine Marchewitz, Erich Wittenberg
DIW Weekly Report 28 / 2024
Sustainable finance taxonomies such as the European Union (EU) taxonomy can support the transition to a climate-neutral economy. As a classification system, these taxonomies serve to offer transparency and guidance as to how capital flows can be shifted to sustainable and environmentally-friendly activities. In this Weekly Report, we analyze 26 sustainable taxonomies from countries and regions around ...
2024| Catherine Marchewitz, Franziska Schütze, Fernanda Ballesteros
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Although maritime cabotage emits comparatively less CO2 per tonne kilometre than other means of transportation, the potential contribution of Brazil’s cabotage policy toward tackling climate change remained largely unexplored throughout its legislative process. Hence, to gather insights into how climate change can be integrated into sectoral policies, we apply Kingdon’s Multiple Streams Framework (MSF) ...
Case Studies on Transport Policy
16 (2024), 101183, 8 S.
| Camila Yamahaki, Gustavo Velloso Breviglieri, Heiner von Lüpke
Referierte Aufsätze Web of Science
Driven by the motivation to raise the ambition level of climate action and to foster the transformation of economies, current climate policy discourse revolves around ways to improve cooperation between industrialized countries and emerging economies. We identify three broad types of initiatives—multilateral-cross sectoral, multilateral, sector specific, and climate and development partnerships—and ...
International Environmental Agreements
24 (2024), S. 289–308
| Heiner von Luepke, Karsten Neuhoff, Catherine Marchewitz