The pace of thermal retrofit of buildings in Germany remains slow. A Worst-First approach, prioritizing the retrofit of inefficient buildings, would address energy- and social policy objectives and deliver economic and climate benefits. Data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) show how such an approach would protect especially low-income households often living in very inefficient buildings ...
Die energetische Sanierung von Gebäuden verläuft in Deutschland weiterhin schleppend. Dabei hat eine Sanierungsstrategie, bei der sehr ineffiziente Gebäude zuerst saniert werden, energie- und sozialpolitische sowie wirtschaftliche und klimapolitische Vorteile. Auf Grundlage von Daten des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels (SOEP) zeigt sich, dass vor allem einkommensschwache Haushalte gegen soziale Härten abgesichert ...
The transition of the steel sector to carbon neutrality requires significant investment. In this study, we aim to better understand the scale of investment required for a transition to hydrogen-based steelmaking and the ability of listed steelmakers to finance this investment. First, we analyze how capital expenditures are estimated in the academic literature and compare them with reported investment ...
We investigate policies for increasing recycling to facilitate decarbonization within the basic material sector, including market-based policies, such as carbon pricing, advanced disposal fee and minimum recycled content requirement, and non-market policies, such as product design standard. We develop an analytical model to assess the role of these policy instruments for recycling related choices of ...
The EU Taxonomy is the first standardised and comprehensive classification system for sustainable economic activities. It covers activities responsible for up to 80% of EU greenhouse gas emissions and may play an important role in channelling investments into low-carbon technologies by helping investors to make informed decisions. However, especially in transition sectors much depends on the stringency ...
Der Streit um das Klimaschutzgesetz geht am Kern der Transformation vorbei, meint Karsten Neuhoff. Er empfiehlt Schlüssel-Indikatoren für Wirtschaft, Politik und Verwaltung. Die Diskussion zum Klimaschutzgesetz hat sich festgefahren. Innerhalb der Bundesregierung rangeln die Klimaschützer mit den Liberalen. Außerhalb der Regierung fordern Umweltverbände, dass bei der Verfehlung der Klimaschutzziele ...